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Nathaniel Gildersleeve1
1 discussion post
I'm running Display Fusion on a Windows 7 computer. On opening Resource Monitor, it appears that Display Fusion is producing a lot of network activity. I can't understand why a display/monitor utility needs to access my network at all. If I enable the Display fusion screensaver I get even more activity even though it is supposed to be loading images off my hard drive. I have attached a screen capture of the Process Monitor display.

• Attachment [protected]: Display Fusion.jpg [65,869 bytes]
Aug 9, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's strange! The only thing that DisplayFusion should be using the network for is downloading wallpapers (if you have it configured to use an online source) and update checks. Do you have DisplayFusion configured to load wallpaper from an online source?

If not, could you check the "TCP Connections" section in Resource Monitor and let me know which IP addresses DisplayFusion.exe is connecting to?

Aug 11, 2014  • #2
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