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Dan C1
16 discussion posts
I noticed within the last month that Display Fusion is not starting with Windows 10 even though I checked the settings and it is supposed to start with Windows. I can manually run it after Windows gets finished with its start up, but it only starts automatically about 1 out of every 4 times I boot up my PC. Operating system is Windows 10 Pro and all Microsoft updates have been applied (I'm actually wondering if one of the recent monthly updates is causing this behavior). Any ideas for tracking down the reason or debugging information would be appreciated.
Jul 27, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have any security or antivirus software that might be interfering at all? Another customer mentioned that Avast was messing with his startup programs, just wondering if that might be the case here too.
Jul 31, 2018  • #2
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Dan C1
16 discussion posts
I'm using Norton Security Suite and have not seemed to have any problems with it lately other than a temporary glitch where it was identifying a known program as containing malware. The pattern update file they issued a day later fixed this problem. I will check my Norton logs to see if anything references DisplayFusion. Do you know of any way to check the status of programs loaded at startup via Microsoft's logs. I thought perhaps I would see where DisplayFusion was loaded but did not start. Thanks.
Jul 31, 2018  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, thanks for checking that! On the Windows Task Manager > Startup tab, is DisplayFusion listed and showing as being enabled at startup?
Aug 1, 2018  • #4
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Dan C1
16 discussion posts
Well, since DisplayFusion started the most recent time I booted my PC, it does indeed show up on the Startup tab of Task Manager. Please see attached file for picture
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionStartup.PNG [53,441 bytes]
Aug 2, 2018  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, that's good at least. Can you check it again the next time it doesn't auto-start?
Aug 2, 2018  • #6
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Dan C1
16 discussion posts
I will certainly do this. Of course, since I posted my message the program has not failed to start automatically :) I also can see in the system logs where the service starts. The configuration of the service is listed as automatic - delayed start. Is this the proper service setting?
Aug 2, 2018  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's the correct setting for the service, yep! Maybe DisplayFusion just needed to know that I was listening and now it's behaving itself again ;)
Aug 3, 2018  • #8
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1 discussion post
I got same problem since about six months or more. DIsplay Fusion is not autostarting even if it is turned on in " Task Manager > Startup tab" and in services.

edit: i found in other topic that setting app to run as armin cause that. so its fixed
Sep 11, 2018 (modified Sep 11, 2018)  • #9
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1 discussion post
Still trying to solve this. I have a few more things to try, but I am experiancing this same problem. I will let you know what I needed to do to fix it after I have it licked.

Well, I restored my system from a restore point that I created 2 days ago before I had this problem. I guess I won't find out what was really causing the problem, but at least it is fixed. Oh well.
Sep 14, 2022 (modified Sep 14, 2022)  • #10
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