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We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 10.0 is now available for download! This major new version of DisplayFusion fixes hundreds of issues and adds full support for Windows 11. Take a look at the full change log for all the details. Update for free today!
DisplayFusion 10.0 Highlights
  • Change: New code signing certificate
  • Change: Upgraded to .NET 7 (OS support is now Win 10 1607 and higher)
  • Change: Win 7, Win 8/8.1, and Win 10 versions lower than 1607 are no longer supported (DisplayFusion will still install but use at your own risk)
  • Change: Monitor Config backend code completely overhauled to support more configurations and prevent errors for minor variations when loading profiles. Please see this post for more details:
  • Change: It's now possible to open multiple script edit windows
  • Change: Much improved code editor for scripted functions
  • Change: Added an entry for DisplayFusionCommand to the Select Application dialog
  • Change: Advanced settings that are forced by policy setting will now show as red and cannot be edited in the UI
  • Change: Added a policy setting to disable the social links in the Settings window
  • Change: Added a policy setting to disable crash reporting
  • Change: Added an advanced setting to disable webview2 install prompt
  • Change: Added an advanced setting to set the polling interval for the "Lock Mouse Cursor" function
  • Change: Improved some icons to help with colour blindness
  • Change: Removed the "restart explorer" prompt and added an advanced setting to re-enable it
  • Change: Added an advanced setting to adjust the size of taskbar buttons and pinned items
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion change log. Thank you to everyone who helped to test the beta versions, that feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #1
imgaijin's profile on
I just updated to version 10 on a Windows 10 pc. The video wallpaper only shows on 1 screen out of 3 screens. The still images still expands across all screens. Prior to this update, the video wallpaper expands across screens.

I tried rebooting the pc after the upgrade, changed to still image and back to video wallpaper, but the issue remains unchanged.
Apr 12, 2023  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@imgaijin: I'm sorry to hear you're having this issue. We changed some things with the video wallpapers but this shouldn't be happening. Can you send me a screenshot of the DisplayFusion wallpaper window showing your video wallpaper settings and could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

Apr 12, 2023  • #3
imgaijin's profile on

If I hover over each screen above, it shows the correct path to the video wallpaper.
• Attachment [protected]: 2023-04-13_05-12-16.jpg [149,065 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: [47,940 bytes]
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 12, 2023)  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Prior to this update the video was stretch as wide as the monitor then the top/bottom was cropped so that it fit. That was actually a bug, if you had a monitor above your monitors the video would bleed onto that wallpaper as well. The videos are now constrained to the bounds and the aspect ratio is maintained but that means the video is probably only the size of 1 of your monitors. Is it possible you can use the same video on each of the 3 monitors separately to achieve the effect you're looking for?
Apr 12, 2023  • #5
imgaijin's profile on
Looking at the vdieo file, the size does fit only one screen of my monitor. To span across all monitors, the video size width and height need to cover total size off all monitors??

Update: I don't know how to achieve using same video wallpaper for each monitor. It seems to only work on still images.
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 12, 2023)  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That's correct, if your video file has the width of all 3 monitors and the height of 1 of them (5760x1080 maybe?) then it would look correct again.
Apr 12, 2023  • #7
imgaijin's profile on
Is it possible you can use the same video on each of the 3 monitors separately to achieve the effect you're looking for?

I don't know how to achieve using same video wallpaper for each monitors. It seems to only work on still images.
Apr 12, 2023 (modified Apr 12, 2023)  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Right now you have the "span an image across all monitors" option enabled. If you change that to "use the same image on each monitor" it should let you use the video separately on each monitor.
Apr 12, 2023  • #9
imgaijin's profile on
Use the same image on each monitor

I have selected this, but still only shows on one screen. I guesss I will have to find video bigger than my total screen size.
Apr 12, 2023  • #10
User Image
22 discussion posts
Everything looks great in this new version and the update went very smoothly, but I'm having a small issue. All of a sudden, the apps on the taskbar of my second monitor can no longer be dragged to re-order. I'm running Windows 10 Pro, 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, and have taskbar app icons set up in the pre-Windows 7 style (small icons, not grouped, displaying the text title of each). I've gone through the settings but haven't been able to find what might of changed so I thought I'd report it here. Any ideas?
Apr 12, 2023  • #11
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Imgaijin: It looks like when the codec opens the video file to play on one monitor the other monitors can't access it. If you make 3 copies of the video file then each monitor could use a copy of the file and it should play fine. Sorry for the inconvenience, we don't have a lot of control over the underlying video rendering.
Apr 13, 2023  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@trip35: Can you send us over your debug info so we can look into this further? If you can send a screenshot of what you're seeing to that will help as well. You can send the debug info like this:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #13
User Image
1 discussion post
Change: Improved some icons to help with colour blindness

Does this include changing the standard Windows folder icons? As of this update, when I move my "Downloads" folder from my primary monitor to a secondary monitor with the displayfusion taskbar enabled, it changes from an open folder with an overlayed down arrow to a Closed folder with a blue cutout square on the bottom. Previous to the update, the icon stayed the same regardless of which monitor it was on.

EDDIT: Apparently I received a "pinned" file explorer icon on that monitor I was unaware of... The downloads folder was being sucked into that and its icon was changed. Having found and removed said pinned file explorer, the bahaviour is back to what I would expect. I do not recall having a pinned file explorer on any monitor - I like my stuff all over the place ;)
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #14
User Image
3 discussion posts
Can you make beta links available for the purpose that maybe something was working in that version OR if the new version is not working, we can go back to the previous.
Right now wanting to have a copy of DisplayFusion 10 (Beta 27) for just in case purposes.
Apr 13, 2023  • #15
User Image
16 discussion posts
Could you tell me if the 'center taskbar' option was rolled out in v10, as was discussed here:

If it is, could you point me to the setting? Thanks.
Apr 13, 2023  • #16
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35: Can you send us over your debug info so we can look into this further? If you can send a screenshot of what you're seeing to that will help as well.

Here is my debug file. I have also included a screenshot of part of the taskbar. Visually, everything is fine and all the apps appear as normal, just as before the upgrade. However, when I try to drag an app to change the order on the taskbar, the cursor doesn't pick the app up, so to speak - there is no animation, and the app can't be dragged. So in the example shown in my screenshot, if I try to move Whatsapp to the right of Firefox, I can't grab and move it.
• Attachment [protected]: [41,305 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Taskbar screenshot.png [19,790 bytes]
Apr 13, 2023 (modified Apr 13, 2023)  • #17
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Takashi Horikane
11 discussion posts
thanks for keep this application alive.
but i got an issue after updated to 10.0. taskbar is no longer show up(im using auto hide option) when im using any apps as full screen on 2nd monitor.
it have never happend before. is there any solution for this?
im using
edition Windows 10 Home
version 22H2
installed day ‎2020/‎12/‎16
OS build 19045.2728
experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0

attached debug info just in case.
• Attachment [protected]: [40,228 bytes]
Apr 14, 2023  • #18
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35: Can you send us over your debug info so we can look into this further? If you can send a screenshot of what you're seeing to that will help as well.

Here is my debug file. I have also included a screenshot of part of the taskbar. Visually, everything is fine and all the apps appear as normal, just as before the upgrade. However, when I try to drag an app to change the order on the taskbar, the cursor doesn't pick the app up, so to speak - there is no animation, and the app can't be dragged. So in the example shown in my screenshot, if I try to move Whatsapp to the right of Firefox, I can't grab and move it.

Just a quick update to add that I have now installed the latest beta and am still having the same issue. Any progress?
Apr 18, 2023  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@dom2114: You can right-click in blank space on the taskbar and go to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Start Button > Middle.

@trip35: I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the troubleshooting info, but the taskbar section errored out. Could you send another copy using the 10.0.1 Beta?

@Takashi: Could you set debug logging on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab to L1: Log Minimal, reproduce the issue, then send us the logs with Help > Support Request in the Settings window?
Apr 18, 2023  • #20
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Ethan Winkley58480
2 discussion posts
After recently upgrading to v10.0, I started having issues with application focus being lost when either typing with physical keyboard or using mouse.
I'll be typing and within a few seconds the focus is lost, requiring me to either alt-tab or mouse back to the application I was typing in. Anyone else experiencing this? I confirmed it is DisplayFusion by exiting the application and issue no longer occurs.
Apr 18, 2023 (modified Apr 18, 2023)  • #21
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35: I don't see anything out of the ordinary in the troubleshooting info, but the taskbar section errored out. Could you send another copy using the 10.0.1 Beta?

Thanks for following up, here's the new debug file.
• Attachment [protected]: [39,369 bytes]
Apr 19, 2023  • #22
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@EthanWinkley58480 Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

@trip35 It looks like it's still erroring out. Can you close the taskbar tweaker app and send over another copy?
Apr 19, 2023  • #23
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16 discussion posts
Apr 19, 2023 (modified Apr 19, 2023)  • #24
User Image
16 discussion posts
@dom2114: You can right-click in blank space on the taskbar and go to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Start Button > Middle.

Sorry, could you elaborate on this? This is all I am seeing..
• Attachment: Screenshot 2023-04-19 170801.jpg [155,928 bytes]
Screenshot 2023-04-19 170801.jpg
Screenshot 2023-04-19 170801.jpg
Apr 19, 2023  • #25
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Are you right clicking the tray icon? If so, that menu will pop up, you'll want to right click an empty spot on the taskbar.

Apr 20, 2023  • #26
User Image
16 discussion posts
Are you right clicking the tray icon? If so, that menu will pop up, you'll want to right click an empty spot on the taskbar.


Thanks for the response.
Sorry if Im being dense, but this is all I see when I right click on an empty part of the taskbar.
Could your provide screenshots to show me how you get to this setting?
Thanks again for your patience.
• Attachment: Screenshot 2023-04-20 124502.jpg [85,405 bytes]
Screenshot 2023-04-20 124502.jpg
Screenshot 2023-04-20 124502.jpg
Apr 20, 2023  • #27
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35 It looks like it's still erroring out. Can you close the taskbar tweaker app and send over another copy?

Apologies for the delay, here is the debug file after a restart with 7+ Taskbar Tweaker deactivated. The problem persists.
• Attachment [protected]: [35,312 bytes]
Apr 21, 2023  • #28
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@dom2114 Ah, that looks like the Windows taskbar. In the DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab, do you have "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars" checked? If so, there should be DisplayFusion taskbars on your other monitors, where right clicking should bring you to the correct menu.

@trip35 Strange it's still erroring out. Could you send me a screenshot of your DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab?
Apr 21, 2023 (modified Apr 21, 2023)  • #29
User Image
16 discussion posts
@dom2114 Ah, that looks like the Windows taskbar. In the DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab, do you have "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars" checked? If so, there should be DisplayFusion taskbars on your other monitors, where right clicking should bring you to the correct menu.

Thanks for the response.
So I was able to get this showing, but I think I should have been clearer with my question.

Say I have my monitor split in 3 sections (so a left, middle and a right section). I would like to have just a single taskbar in the center of my screen. Im not sure if this would have to be a single taskbar limited to the middle split, or a taskbar that spans all 3 sections but is centered across the entire monitor. Is anything like this possible?

Thanks again for all your responses.
Apr 21, 2023  • #30
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35 Strange it's still erroring out. Could you send me a screenshot of your DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab?

Here is the screenshot.
• Attachment [protected]: Taskbar settings screenshot.png [9,707 bytes]
Apr 21, 2023  • #31
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Ethan Winkley58480
2 discussion posts
[QUOTE]@EthanWinkley58480 Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Well, the problem has not occurred again since I posted here. Will monitor and gather the logs if it happens.
Apr 21, 2023  • #32
User Image
2 discussion posts
Hi, thanks for continuing to support DisplayFusion. I'm having similar issues to others with 10.0 on Windows 11.
I use multimonitor taskbar on my second monitor, set to auto-hide. With 10.0 it sometimes fails to show when I mouse over the bottom of the screen. This problem usually starts after DisplayFusion has been running for a few hours. Restarting the application fixes this.
DisplayFusion 10.0 also uses excessive CPU resources. My CPU fan spins to a higher level, just from DisplayFusion randomly going from 2% usage to 7%. See attached screenshot. DisplayFusion wasn't doing any operations, this is idle usage. Restarting the application also seems to help with this. After a restart, DisplayFusion idles at <1% CPU usage.
• Attachment: Clipboard Image (2).jpg [28,816 bytes]
Clipboard Image (2).jpg
Clipboard Image (2).jpg
• Attachment: DisplayFusion10-AfterRestart.jpg [30,940 bytes]
Apr 24, 2023 (modified Apr 24, 2023)  • #33
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@dom2114 After you have your monitor split, you can head to the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window and enable "Taskbars" under "Use these features with split monitors". This will create DisplayFusion taskbars on the side splits, with the Windows taskbar in the middle.

You can use this advanced setting ( to move the Windows taskbar to the side split, and then just set it to auto hide, as we don't support completely disabling it. A DisplayFusion taskbar should auto fill to the center split, and you can set your start menu to the center via the right click menu. Hope that clears things up.

@trip35 We've released a new beta with some changes to the taskbar, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?

@Eincrou Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Some CPU usage is expected, as DisplayFusion uses background polling to keep it's features updated as well.
Apr 24, 2023  • #34
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35 We've released a new beta with some changes to the taskbar, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?

Thank you. Still the same issue, even after a reboot, I'm afraid. I have attached another debug file just in case it's of use to you.
• Attachment [protected]: [35,189 bytes]
Apr 24, 2023  • #35
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a backup of your settings as well? You can grab them via the DisplayFusion Settings Window > Options > Export Settings.

Apr 26, 2023  • #36
User Image
22 discussion posts
Could you send me over a backup of your settings as well?

Sorry, I missed your reply. Here is the file.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion Backup (2023-05-03 @ 21-08,, SettingsWindow).reg [83,288 bytes]
May 3, 2023  • #37
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. We've released a new beta with some further changes, can you update and send me over another copy of your troubleshooting info?
May 4, 2023  • #38
User Image
22 discussion posts
Thanks for sending that over. We've released a new beta with some further changes, can you update and send me over another copy of your troubleshooting info?

The problem still occurs after installing the new beta and rebooting. Here is the file.
• Attachment [protected]: [37,863 bytes]
May 5, 2023  • #39
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Strange, I'm pretty stumped here. Could you send me a screenshot of your 7+ Taskbar Tweaker settings?
May 8, 2023  • #40
User Image
22 discussion posts
Strange, I'm pretty stumped here. Could you send me a screenshot of your 7+ Taskbar Tweaker settings?

Here you are. I hope it's just something I'm missing or doing wrong, because I've tried deactivating 7+ Taskbar Tweaker and even after a reboot the problem still occurs. Thank you for not giving up on this, I'm very grateful for your continued effort!
• Attachment [protected]: 7+ Taskbar Tweaker settings screenshot.png [63,831 bytes]
May 8, 2023  • #41
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah it still seems to work fine on my end with those settings as well. Can you confirm rolling back to 9.9 fixes it up? You can download the installer on this page:
May 9, 2023  • #42
User Image
22 discussion posts
Yeah it still seems to work fine on my end with those settings as well. Can you confirm rolling back to 9.9 fixes it up? You can download the installer on this page:

I have installed v9.9 over the top of the latest beta and without rebooting, I have regained the ability to drag apps on the second monitor to re-order them. One thing is not the same as prior to upgrading to v10, though: now, when I and begin to drag an app on the second taskbar, a blue four-way arrow (looks like the Window Snapping icon) appears where I initially click, and the 'tabs' for each app don't move as I drag them - they just snap into the new position when I release the mouse. I'm not sure if that gives you any clues.
May 9, 2023 (modified May 9, 2023)  • #43
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Okay interesting, could you send me a debug log from v10? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
May 10, 2023  • #44
User Image
2 discussion posts
does this version of displayfusion allow the trigger prevent window deactivation to work on valorant as im currently using the 9.0 version which works but the beta didnt so want to know if this new version does.
May 10, 2023  • #45
User Image
22 discussion posts
Okay interesting, could you send me a debug log from v10? Here are the steps:

Here is the file. I set logging to L1 and reproduced the error at 15:24h.

As an aside, is there any way to receive a notification when there is a new post in this thread? I couldn't find anything in account settings.
• Attachment [protected]: [68,176 bytes]
May 11, 2023  • #46
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@iSukhix We had to blacklist Valorant due to a launching issue. In versions 10.0 and up, that function will not work

@trip35 Thanks for sending that over. I think this is still related to that taskbar info erroring out. We're making some changes to our next beta, so we'll get you to test it out once it's released.

You can enable notifications on your account via the Account settings on our site. I've enabled it for your account.
May 15, 2023  • #47
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35 I think this is still related to that taskbar info erroring out. We're making some changes to our next beta, so we'll get you to test it out once it's released.

Thanks again, I appreciate it.
May 15, 2023  • #48
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@trip35 We've released a new beta with some further changes, can you update and send me over another copy of your troubleshooting info? Here's the link:
May 30, 2023  • #49
User Image
22 discussion posts
@trip35 We've released a new beta with some further changes, can you update and send me over another copy of your troubleshooting info?

I am still encountering the same behaviour after updating to the latest beta. I have attached the troubleshooting file, thank you again.
• Attachment [protected]: [120,219 bytes]
May 30, 2023  • #50
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah perfect, it looks like DisplayFusion is correctly pulling the taskbar info now. Could you send me over an updated debug log from that beta? Here are the steps again:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
May 31, 2023  • #51
User Image
22 discussion posts
Ah perfect, it looks like DisplayFusion is correctly pulling the taskbar info now. Could you send me over an updated debug log from that beta?

That's great news! Here is the file. The error should be at 00:23h.
• Attachment [protected]: [169,013 bytes]
May 31, 2023  • #52
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, we're going to add some more logging for our next beta so we'll let you know once it's released.
Jun 5, 2023  • #53
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta with some added logging. Could you send me over another debug log after updating?
Jul 5, 2023  • #54
User Image
22 discussion posts
We've released a new beta with some added logging. Could you send me over another debug log after updating?

Thanks again for the update. The problems persists, the error should be at 23:42h.
• Attachment [protected]: [40,917 bytes]
Jul 5, 2023  • #55
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It doesn't look like a log got attached in that zip folder. Could you try sending it again? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Jul 6, 2023  • #56
User Image
22 discussion posts
It doesn't look like a log got attached in that zip folder. Could you try sending it again?

Sorry, I followed the instructions from memory and didn't hit Apply. Here it is again, the error should be at 17:35.
• Attachment [protected]: [76,913 bytes]
Jul 6, 2023  • #57
User Image
3 discussion posts
I noticed with DisplayFusion 10.0, there seems to be some issues moving windows between two monitors in Windows 11. Also, I'm not sure if it is related, but the taskbar and clicks seem to be less responsive especially in Chrome.
Jul 9, 2023 (modified Jul 9, 2023)  • #58
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13 discussion posts
We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 10.0 is now available for download! This major new version of DisplayFusion fixes hundreds of issues and adds full support for Windows 11. Take a look at the full change log for all the details. Update for free today!
DisplayFusion 10.0 Highlights
  • Change: New code signing certificate
  • Change: Upgraded to .NET 7 (OS support is now Win 10 1607 and higher)
  • Change: Win 7, Win 8/8.1, and Win 10 versions lower than 1607 are no longer supported (DisplayFusion will still install but use at your own risk)
  • Change: Monitor Config backend code completely overhauled to support more configurations and prevent errors for minor variations when loading profiles. Please see this post for more details:
  • Change: It's now possible to open multiple script edit windows
  • Change: Much improved code editor for scripted functions
  • Change: Added an entry for DisplayFusionCommand to the Select Application dialog
  • Change: Advanced settings that are forced by policy setting will now show as red and cannot be edited in the UI
  • Change: Added a policy setting to disable the social links in the Settings window
  • Change: Added a policy setting to disable crash reporting
  • Change: Added an advanced setting to disable webview2 install prompt
  • Change: Added an advanced setting to set the polling interval for the "Lock Mouse Cursor" function
  • Change: Improved some icons to help with colour blindness
  • Change: Removed the "restart explorer" prompt and added an advanced setting to re-enable it
  • Change: Added an advanced setting to adjust the size of taskbar buttons and pinned items
Updating DisplayFusion
We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion change log. Thank you to everyone who helped to test the beta versions, that feedback is what makes DisplayFusion so amazing. We would also like to thank all of the translators who have helped translate DisplayFusion to their native languages. Thanks everyone!

Any folks used/ still using the DF 10.0 Betas on Windows 8.x / 7 ?
Jul 11, 2023  • #59
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
@coolspot Could you send me over a video of the issue?
Jul 17, 2023  • #60
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22 discussion posts
We've released a new beta with some added logging. Could you send me over another debug log after updating?

I thought I'd provide a quick update to my problem. Yesterday I updated to a new version of 7+ Taskbar Tweaker (v5.14.2) and instantly the problem was partially resolved. I am not sure why it didn't resolve earlier when I disabled 7+ Taskbar Tweaker multiple times including restarts. Anyway, at least now I can re-order tabs on the second monitor, although another problem has returned from when I temporarily rolled back to Display Fusion v9.9. I'll paraphrase my earlier message to describe it. When I begin to drag an app on the second taskbar, a blue four-way arrow like the one in the attached file appears in the centre of the app tab being dragged, and the tab doesn't move with animation as I drag it. Instead, it just snaps into the new position when I release the mouse (unlike the smooth dragging shown on the main monitor and on all monitors before the release of v10). This icon doesn't seem to be part of Windows or 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, is it a Display Fusion icon?
• Attachment [protected]: Four-way arrow.png [19,462 bytes]
Aug 25, 2023 (modified Aug 25, 2023)  • #61
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yep that's a part of the DisplayFusion taskbar, I'm guessing this issue is still releated to that taskbar tweaker app. Could you send me over a video of how the dragging looks now?
Aug 28, 2023  • #62
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22 discussion posts
Yep that's a part of the DisplayFusion taskbar, I'm guessing this issue is still releated to that taskbar tweaker app. Could you send me over a video of how the dragging looks now?

Here you are.
• Attachment [protected]: Dragging apps.mp4 [3,407,341 bytes]
Aug 28, 2023  • #63
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, we don't support the same smooth animation that Windows does so everything looks good there :)
Aug 29, 2023  • #64
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Ah, wonderful! My memory was playing tricks on me, then. Is there any way to not have the arrow cross appear when I drag? It's not a deal-breaker, but it would be nice to not have it, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't there before the v10 update. Otherwise, I consider this resolved.
Aug 29, 2023  • #65
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you head to the DisplayFusion Advanced Settings > Taskbar section, you can disable "Button Dragging Icons" and it should fix that up.
Aug 29, 2023  • #66
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Thank you, the dragging icon must have somehow been activated during the update. Now everything is working as expected. I'm very grateful to you for sticking at it for all this time, thank you again.
Aug 29, 2023  • #67
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