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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am very pleased to announce the release of DisplayFusion 3.0! This release represents the most significant changes DisplayFusion has ever seen, and some of the most exciting new features. You can find out more about this exciting new release here:
Feb 22, 2009  • #1
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7 discussion posts
The moment we were all waiting for! Just bought my Pro license - Congrats!
Feb 22, 2009  • #2
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19 discussion posts
Hi Jon,

Thanks for this latest release - that's one fantastic job.
I'm so glad I acquired a license last year and have seen all the improvements you made since then.
It now has many features that I wish I had long ago ;)

I wonder if I could suggest adding a Property Sheet to the additional Taskbars -
IOW , when r-clicking them it would list Properties in the extension menu?
Reason: I always hide my Taskbars and it dawned on me if it's possible to provide a limited version of the Windows Taskbar Properties dialog panel or provide the settings in Display Fusion under Taskbar settings.

Regards and thanks again,
Feb 22, 2009  • #3
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4 discussion posts
I think you have a bug, when the image filename has a "-" in it, displayfusion now thinks its a command line option and errors.
As a side note any progress on the feature request I put in for an option to put the filenames displayed on the screen as well?
Feb 22, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@lohin666: What mode are you using that fails with "-" in the image filename? Most of my images have a dash in the filename, and I haven't run into any problems yet. Would you be able to send me a copy of the image that causes the problem? For the image filenames being embedded I had to push that to a future version, as I already had enough on my plate for this release. Once things settle down from this release I am going to start scoping out the version 3.1 features. :)

@DiggerP: I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, sorry. It sounds like you might want the Windows Taskbar settings on a tab in the DisplayFusion settings window - is this correct?
Feb 22, 2009  • #5
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12 discussion posts
Excellent software. I bought it earlier today for the multi-monitor taskbar. Seems to work better than ultramon and it's cheaper too!

One thing I do miss, is the flashing notifications on the secondary monitors. E.g. when you get a msn message it flashes orange. Is this something that you plan to add?
Feb 23, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Jason: The flashing notifications is something I am looking to add in a future version. :)
Feb 24, 2009  • #7
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12 discussion posts
Great, can't wait.

One other small issue is that if you minimize something on the second monitor it animates to the taskbar on the primary monitor instead of to the secondary one. I'm using Vista, not sure if that helps.
Feb 24, 2009  • #8
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
He knows.... it's a hard fix but if anyone can do it it would be Jon.
Feb 24, 2009  • #9
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4 discussion posts
Attached is one of the errors, I am on random mode from pictures on my pc.
The feature I requested ages ago was that there is an option to display the image name on the screen somewhere so I can see what the images are called (useful for removing ones I do not like etc).
• Attachment: error.jpg [17,854 bytes]
Feb 24, 2009  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Can you send the problem image to me, or post it here so I can test it out?
Feb 24, 2009  • #11
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4 discussion posts
I tried a few myself and I apologise as it seems like I have a few corrupt images on my drive, the error was confusing me. It works fine.
Feb 25, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, the error is a bit strange. I'll see if I can put something a little more descriptive in the next release. :)
Feb 25, 2009  • #13
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