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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have put together another build to test out the taskbar corruption/freezing issues. This has a number of significant changes (under the hood) to the taskbar rendering. Also, the taskbar window previews have been reworked and should be more reliable now. They also show a realtime view of the window, not just a snapshot from when you hovered over it. It is updated every 500ms.
• Attachment: DisplayFusion Beta (Apr 26, 2009).zip [438,105 bytes]
Apr 27, 2009  • #1
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22 discussion posts
Things seem to go a little haywire when you resize the main taskbar.

It seems to lockup part of the application. For example if you have settings open the dialog will stop responding, or you won't be able to get the DF popup menu (using right-click on the taskbar, or system tray icon). But the taskbar continues to mostly function, allowing to select different applications and display thumbnails--but it won't register when you move an application from one monitor to the next until that application loses focus.

To recover you still have to kill DF.

Which bring me to my next issue: I don't know how the stable release behaved, but with the Beta release, if you increase the height of the taskbar, applications won't wrap into the available space below like it does with the standard taskbar. They just continue to squish down in size and the extra space isn't used.
Apr 27, 2009  • #2
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22 discussion posts
Another issue is that the tooltips interferes with normal button:hover behaviour. For example, the tooltip from one button can get in the way of being able to see the thumbnail for the button to the right of it until you move your mouse away from the area so it can disappear.

It's kinda trivial, but very noticeable as you move your mouse from left to right across the taskbar to see each thumbnail.
Apr 27, 2009  • #3
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343 discussion posts
I have put together another build to test out the taskbar corruption/freezing issues. This has a number of significant changes (under the hood) to the taskbar rendering. Also, the taskbar window previews have been reworked and should be more reliable now. They also show a realtime view of the window, not just a snapshot from when you hovered over it. It is updated every 500ms.

Jon, is that 500ms all the time or just when you hover? (thinking about background cpu usage)
Apr 27, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@microUgly: The tooltips issue will be fixed in the next beta.

@benway: That is every 500ms only when it is being hovered over, don't worry. :) I take performance very seriously, and always try to minimize the background processing that DisplayFusion needs to do.
Apr 27, 2009  • #5
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343 discussion posts
@microUgly: The tooltips issue will be fixed in the next beta.

@benway: That is every 500ms only when it is being hovered over, don't worry. :) I take performance very seriously, and always try to minimize the background processing that DisplayFusion needs to do.

For the record, CPU performance has never been an issue for me with DF. It stays nice and quite right around 0% CPU unless it's actually changing the wallpaper... 8-)
Apr 28, 2009  • #6
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On Friday, I got the duplicate names and icon problem again with the April 26th build.
May 4, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@dru: I have made some improvements in the May 3rd build. Can you update to that and let me know if you experience any more issues? Thanks!
May 4, 2009  • #8
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24 discussion posts
Oh, I didn't see this build. I just installed it and will keep you updated if anything goes wrong.
May 4, 2009  • #9
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