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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
If anyone is interested they can try out the new version 3.0.3 beta. You can download it here:

It is still marked as version 3.0.2, but you can see the language files are marked as version 3.0.3. I am planning on releasing this on Sunday night, if there are no major problems found. :)

Apr 10, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
Thanks Jon. If this is the same build I was emailed about, I've been running in on both my work machine and home machine. Unfortunately, I saw the taskbar problem on both machines today (home and work). Spunky little bug, that's for sure... :-(
Apr 10, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I just built and posted this build about 15 minutes ago. :) It has some additional fixes to prevent that crazy behaviour. The new .exe file should have a timestamp of roughly 9:30pm (EST). Thanks!
Apr 10, 2009  • #3
John L. Galt's profile on
Got it and am gonna play with it for the next day....
I am I.
Apr 10, 2009  • #4
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343 discussion posts
Got it, thanks! Will post about any anomalies...
Apr 10, 2009  • #5
John L. Galt's profile on
None to report here thus far in a day of testing....
I am I.
Apr 10, 2009  • #6
John L. Galt's profile on
I hate to sound like a McDonald's commercial, but....

I'm lovin' it. I do have a request, though.

I don't believe this is Win7 specific, as what I am seeing makes me think this is the way you have programmed the DFTB....

When using the transparency, everything goes transparent - is there any way to *not* have the text on the TB buttons go invisible? With Win7 my taskbar is as invisible as it gets except for the pinned items as well as the text on the running programs - I was hoping to emulate that in the DFTB as Vista was the same way- regardless of transparency, the running items (more specifically the test on the running items) would remain readable....

If not, now worries....
I am I.
Apr 11, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This would be cool, but I'm not sure how to accomplish it yet. With winforms translucency in .NET 2.0, when you set a window to be a certain opacity all of the child controls also take on that level of opacity. This means I can't have something 50% opaque and have the text or buttons look different. :( I'm looking into some of the newer DWM API calls in Vista/Win7, but nothing worth testing in the works yet.
Apr 14, 2009  • #8
John L. Galt's profile on
Gotchya. At least you're looking :evil:
I am I.
Apr 15, 2009  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Of course I'm looking. :) Cleaner Vista/Win7 integration, and making it look more native has been hanging over my head for a while now. The taskbar is pixel-perfect (or pretty darn close) in Windows XP and Windows 2000, and I want to get there eventually with Vista/Win7 as well.
Apr 15, 2009  • #10
John L. Galt's profile on
TBH, it looks pretty damn good in Vista too...IMO better than the Vista native taskbar
I am I.
Apr 16, 2009  • #11
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343 discussion posts
Just so I understand how DF works in W7 so far: It's showing all programs open on it's taskbar, not just the ones on the second monitor. Otherwise, sweet!
Apr 17, 2009  • #12
John L. Galt's profile on
No, you can choose either mode.

Jon - did you get my PM?
I am I.
Apr 17, 2009  • #13
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I did, and just responded. :)
Apr 18, 2009  • #14
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343 discussion posts
Hey, the new draggable taskbar buttons in the beta work great by the way... :-)
Apr 22, 2009  • #15
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent to hear. I have fixed a few quirks with it, and I'll probably post another test build tonight. :)
Apr 22, 2009  • #16
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