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24 discussion posts
Just got a new issue: I lost the background of my DF taskbar (right in the screenshot) after I got back from a long pause (lock, unlock Windows).

Windows XP, custom Vista Theme.
• Attachment: bug df_buttons.png [26,913 bytes]
bug df_buttons.png
bug df_buttons.png
Jun 26, 2009  • #1
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343 discussion posts
A few of us have seen this too (Jon too, I believe). No known cause yet. Strange, but the text still functions as a button, just the outline goes away...
Jun 29, 2009  • #2
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Addon for more info, under XP with the silver theme same thing happens, noticable thing is that the text turns white when it happens.
Jul 1, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I've made a number of improvements in this area (again) in Beta 2. Can you all download the new beta and let me know if it happens again? Thanks!
Jul 5, 2009  • #4
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts

AKA issue is still here. Fixed somewhat, but with xp the button part doesn't stay.. Odd behavior, it dies after some event, and when its blinking the blink has the background when orange.... text is black though.
Jul 6, 2009  • #5
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24 discussion posts
Not complete.

I just had the exact same issue with beta 2 that I installed yesterday morning.
I won't restart DF in case you need troubleshooting information.

FYI, I tried some things to see if it helps:
- Tried to move DF taskbar to the left of my second monitor instead of the right. Didn't help.
- Tried to close the DF taskbar and reopen it. Didn't help.

The only way to bring back the buttons background is to restart DF.
Jul 7, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Topic re-opened. This problem is truly baffling to me. I can't reproduce the problem to save my life, which makes it nearly impossible to troubleshoot. :( Is anyone able to reproduce this problem on demand, or does it just happen after DisplayFusion has been running for a while?
Jul 8, 2009  • #7
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
It will always happen overnight for me. The text went back to white too btw. I'll try to see waht goes on that makes it happen.

Does anyone that leaves their comp on for more than 12 hours NOT have this happen?
Jul 8, 2009  • #8
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343 discussion posts
It will always happen overnight for me. The text went back to white too btw. I'll try to see waht goes on that makes it happen.

Does anyone that leaves their comp on for more than 12 hours NOT have this happen?

My computers (work and home) are on 24/7 and I no longer have any freezing or corruption of any kind (knocks on wood).
Jul 8, 2009  • #9
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24 discussion posts
I can't have it on demand. It happens after a while when I unlock my workstation after a pause or after the night.

The buttons font and text is unchanged for me. Only the background image that disappears.

You can do a custom build with additional logging. I'll use it if it can help to troubleshoot the issue.
Jul 8, 2009  • #10
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44 discussion posts
Just to be sure. I open some windows like Notepad++, Gimp, et cetera. Have them displayed on the DFP taskbar, lock my PC and look at it the next morning to see if the taskbar looks OK? If that's the case, I will leave my PC on this night to see if I encounter the same error. :)
Jul 8, 2009  • #11
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24 discussion posts
I just saw a new topic on the same issue:
I try to identify a common element among us.
I noticed that this user, like me, have Microsoft Office Communicator running.
Do all of you with the same issue run Microsoft Office Communicator?

Here is the list of apps I leave opened day and night:
- Microsoft Office Communicator
- Microsoft Office OneNote
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Some Windows Explorer windows
- Digsby
- TrueCrypt
- DropBox
- KeePass
- Incredibuild
- Norton Antivirus
- XMarks for IE
- ActiveSync
Jul 8, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Beta 3 has been released with additional logging for this issue. If you get this problem, can you please submit your debug.log file to me either attached here or through email? Thanks!
Jul 9, 2009  • #13
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Not running office com. I don't lock comp at night, though last night once I enabled debug logging it didn't happen, and its been damn consistent...

Are we sure this is limited to XP?

O yea- Jon, AMAZING job with the new system for the hooks or whatnot, that title button lag is indeed gone almost completely, told ya you could do it!
Jul 9, 2009  • #14
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44 discussion posts
Well, I left my PC on (locked) during the night and this morning everything was stable and my buttons were still normal with the outlines. This was with Beta 2, I just installed Beta 3 and see how that goes, but I'm afraid I can't replicate the problem on my end. :)

Vista HP x86.
Jul 9, 2009  • #15
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Did you turn on debug logging?
Jul 9, 2009  • #16
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Beta 4 has just been released with re-written taskbar button rendering code for Windows XP. I am cautiously optimistic that the problem has been fixed. Can everyone update to Beta 4 and let me know if the problem happens again? Thanks!
Jul 10, 2009  • #17
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