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DisplayFusion 3.1.10 has been released! This is just a small release to address a few issues that slipped through the 3.1.9 release. Here is a quick rundown on the changes in this new version:

  • The Settings window is now scaled correctly when using Font Scaling in Windows
  • Monitor detection would sometimes fail in rare situations on Windows start-up
  • Taskbar now shows & signs correctly when in Classic mode (no visual styles)
  • Taskbar no longer hangs/crashes when the system is under heavy load
  • Taskbar items no longer get shuffled in Windows XP when the Taskbar isn't on the primary monitor

I would encourage everyone to update to this new release as soon as possible to take advantage of the improved stability and bug fixes. Thanks everyone!

Jul 9, 2010  • #1
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2 discussion posts
Don't know if the issue I'm having is due to 3.1.10 or 3.1.9 but here it goes:

When a window is maximized on the secondary monitor, the DisplayFusion 1% opacity taskbar is forcing the window to not use the space on the screen which the DisplayFusion is taking up when the mouse is over it.
So I really feel like that a "auto hide" functionality is needed. Something that makes the taskbar hide completely until the cursor hits the bottom of the screen.

Thanks in advance. Now I'm off to find the 3.1.8 version to downgrade.
Jul 14, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Just right-click on the Taskbar you want to set to auto-hide, click "Multi-Monitor Taskbar Auto-hide" and voila, the taskbar will now auto-hide. No need to downgrade. :)
Jul 14, 2010  • #3
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2 discussion posts
Why is this option not in the settings? It is weird to go to different places to configure the same thing.
Jul 15, 2010  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
It is a per-Taskbar setting, so it's only available when you right-click on the Taskbar you want to modify.
Jul 15, 2010  • #5
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Chris Robinson1
1 discussion post
Hello. I am currently running DisplayFusion under a trial license. System is a Windows 7 32-bit box, employer provided which I use for work from home. I have admin rights on the box but still at the mercy of the policy settings to some degree. One thing I am seeing is DF doesn't auto start, I have to manually open it. That is, the task bar I have extended to the secondary monitor does not appear until I open DF. There are other apps I have installed under admin rights which sucessfully run at log on, so I don't think this is a problem with my permissions on the machine. Also, feature request -- being able to use the standard Microsoft display backgrounds on different monitors rather than sorting through backgrounds on public file sharing sites. Specifically, be able to run the Win 7 "themes" backgrounds and have them update on the primary and secondary monitors (different backgrounds), or crop and display one background image across both. Looks like a nifty application and I will probably be purchasing a license in a few weeks. THANKS
Jul 22, 2010  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Chris: You can enable the debug logging option, then try setting the auto-start option. Take a look in the look and it should contain more information about why it can't create the registry value (permissions, or whatever). As for the wallpapers, you can use the standard Windows 7 wallpapers in DisplayFusion: just load the images from:
Jul 23, 2010  • #7
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1 discussion post
Hi, I too am having this issue where DF 3.1.10 won't start when I log in to my (local) profile on Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Please help. I can't find anything obvious in the log.
Sep 9, 2010  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Scott: Can you email me at for further troubleshooting? It's a bit hard using these blog comments? Thanks! :)
Sep 10, 2010  • #9
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Jess Rafn
1 discussion post
Since I updated to the latest version Display Fusion can't start up. Got an error message that valid language files can't be found
Sep 16, 2010  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Yez: Try re-installing the newly released version 3.2:
Sep 16, 2010  • #11
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Janez Primožić
1 discussion post
Where can i downlaod version 3.1.10? I need that version as it's last free version which can be used in corproate.
Feb 5, 2012  • #12
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