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Update: The sale is has ended. Thanks everyone!

We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 7.2 is now available for download! This release contains a couple of new wallpaper providers, the ability to choose what happens when you click the tray icon, Windows 10 support, and many bug fixes!

Celebrate the New Version!

DisplayFusion and VoiceBot are both on sale at up to 50% off this week! Check out the excellent deals on DisplayFusion and VoiceBot!

DisplayFusion 7.2 Highlights

  • New wallpaper providers: Wallpaper Abyss and Digital Blasphemy (requires a Digital Blasphemy membership)
  • Many Windows 10 compatibility improvements
  • Added Start10 to the supported third-party Start menus
  • New option on Settings > Options tab to choose what happens when you click the tray icon
  • Two new built-in screen savers: "DisplayFusion Website" and "Scrolling Marquee"
  • DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver now has a "Fade" transition (disabled by default)
  • DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver now has the ability to refresh the image list on a specified interval, to allow new images to be shown without having to restart the screen saver
  • Improvements to the "Restore Window Positions" function
  • Added many new functions and fixed some bugs with the Scripted Functions API
  • Resolved an issue where Monitor Configuration would apply the wrong refresh rate in some cases
  • 42 languages bundled (if you'd like to help translate DisplayFusion into your language, please contact us)
  • Many other performance, stability and bug fixes

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to the dozens of people who helped with the DisplayFusion translations, and the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

Introducing VoiceBot

If you haven't already, we'd definitely recommend checking out VoiceBot, a powerful utility that allows you to control your games, applications, and more using your voice! Setup and use voice commands to run keyboard shortcuts, click and move your mouse, and even execute complicated macros and scripts. With hundreds of premade game and application profiles, you can get up and running with VoiceBot quickly!

VoiceBot Main Window
VoiceBot Main Window

DisplayFusion 7.2 Screenshots

Wallpaper Abyss
Wallpaper Abyss
Scripted Function Download Window
Scripted Function Download Window
Scripted Function Editor
Scripted Function Editor
Jul 27, 2015  • #1
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Mark Cornelius212022
1 discussion post
I've been trying and looking and trying so more but I can't find a link to purchase this at special discount. I haven't really tried it yet but I am an old time display fusion user and wanted to take the plunge. )) If you could provide me a link to pay I'd appreciate it. ))
Jul 31, 2015  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Mark: You can purchase the discounted licenses here:
Jul 31, 2015  • #3
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