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We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 8.1 Beta 2 is now available for download! This release contains many bug fixes for the 8.0 public release, and a few new features.

DisplayFusion 8.1 Beta Changes

  • Added a "Condense TitleBar Buttons" option to make the buttons closer together on some versions of Windows
  • Hooks no longer shutdown when only monitor splitting is enabled
  • Many background performance optimizations when various features are disabled
  • Alt+Tab aero colour is now correct in Windows 8.1
  • Auto-fix no longer fixes the wallpaper in some situations when it's disabled
  • Scripting function BFS.Window.GetBounds now correctly adjusts for Windows 10 window borders
  • Scripted functions should start faster on some machines
  • After logging out of Pinterest you can now login as a different user
  • Small "Move newly opened windows" behaviour changes
  • Hooks no longer cause Explorer.exe to freak out when Aero colour changing is enabled
  • Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
  • Mouse cursor is now shown correctly over mirrored windows
  • Website Wallpaper provider improvements and fixes
  • Taskbars no longer stay visible when they're supposed to autohide in some situations

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Beta Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to the dozens of people who helped with the DisplayFusion translations, and the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 8.1 Screenshots

DisplayFusion Wallpaper
DisplayFusion Wallpaper
Oct 8, 2016 (modified Oct 11, 2016)  • #1
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