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We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 9.0 Beta 1 is finally available for download! This release has many fixes and improvements, but the biggest one by far is multi-DPI improvement on Windows 10. We spent a very long time working out the kinks in multi-DPI environments, and nearly all of them are resolved! The Settings, Desktop Wallpaper, and Monitor Configuration windows should now all re-scale correctly, regardless of which monitor they're on, or moved to.

DisplayFusion 9.0 Beta 1 Highlights

  • Major changes to support multi-DPI scaling in Windows 10
  • Improved Windows 10 compatibility (Anniversary and Creators updates)
  • Scripted Functions now support descriptions
  • Scripted Function editor now shows exceptions in the output
  • Added new scripting functions
  • Renamed "Windows Logon" to "Windows Lock Screen"
  • Support requests now allow file attachments to be sent
  • DisplayFusion desktop icon now opens the Settings window, instead of seemingly doing nothing
  • Panaramio removed from DisplayFusion, it's dead now
  • Google Image Search is fixed (API change on the Google Servers)
  • Alt+Tab no longer shows 6 entries for MS Edge
  • WindowBlinds and Start10 compatibility improvements
  • Digital Blasphemy now returns the correct sized images
  • No longer "loses" some image files or sources in the Wallpaper window
  • TitleBar Button compatibility improvements
  • Alt+Tab compatibility improvements
  • Taskbar compatibility improvements

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage anyone on a multi-DPI setup, or anyone who likes to test the bleeding edge to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Beta Change Log.

DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper
Jun 1, 2017 (modified Jun 1, 2017)  • #1
User Image
45 discussion posts
Just upgraded to this version and now the taskbar on my secondary monitor stays on top while there is a fullscreen app running on that monitor. It didn't do this with the previous version. Fullscreen works properly on primary monitor. I did not change any settings after upgrading to the latest beta version.
Jun 2, 2017  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the heads up! I was able to reproduce that here and have added it to our list for the next beta.
Jun 2, 2017  • #3
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1 discussion post
Display Fusion v9 beta1 Windows 10 b1703.....creator update
getting a SPACE GAP with taskbar MAIN display. Other taskbars on remaining 6 monitors OK.
Pics not great but you can see the strip of wallpaper background bottom of MAIN taskbar.
• Attachment: taskbar gap v9 beta1 1.JPG [13,878 bytes]
taskbar gap v9 beta1 1.JPG
taskbar gap v9 beta1 1.JPG
• Attachment: taskbar gap v9 beta1 2.JPG [13,976 bytes]
taskbar gap v9 beta1 2.JPG
taskbar gap v9 beta1 2.JPG
Jun 2, 2017 (modified Jun 2, 2017)  • #4
User Image
3 discussion posts
Just upgraded to this version and now the taskbar on my secondary monitor stays on top while there is a fullscreen app running on that monitor. It didn't do this with the previous version. Fullscreen works properly on primary monitor. I did not change any settings after upgrading to the latest beta version.

Came here to report this issue. Thanks for checking it out!
Jun 2, 2017  • #5
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5 discussion posts
I just updated to 9.0 Beta 1 and the setting to use the current Desktop Wallpaper image for the Windows Lock Screen no longer works. The files WindowsLogonImage.jpg and WindowsLogon_1.jpg are not longer created in the \AppData\Local\DisplayFusion\ folder.
Jun 2, 2017  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Wesley_N: Which version of Windows?
Jun 2, 2017  • #7
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5 discussion posts
Sorry, should've posted that initially. I am running Win 10 Pro Creators Update 1703 (OS build 15063.332)
Jun 2, 2017  • #8
PabloMartinez's profile on
Вug with the GetUserInputList method, not visible choise. I ran a couple of my old scripts and saw it. Reproduce on Win10 CU, maybe other versions, but there is no way to check. On Win7 all okay.
• Attachment: Bug with user input.PNG [59,172 bytes]
Bug with user input.PNG
Bug with user input.PNG
Jun 3, 2017  • #9
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Collin Chaffin
69 discussion posts
Serious bug after all these years now this beta with the same settings to not allow the alternate taskbar (DF) over full screen apps, suddenly I just have to kill DF because it just won't get out of the way and keeps itself over the top of vmware workstation and any other full screen app.

This is new with v9. In this case, the one full full screen app I run most is even fully excluded at a level of 8 I think (all exclusions/hooks) from DF.

Hopefully this can be fixed very soon as it is VERY annoying. Thanks guys!
Collin Chaffin's profile on
Jun 4, 2017  • #10
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1 discussion post
I can't find anything in the current stable release that will alter mouse speed between varying DPI multi-monitor configurations (1080 - 3840 - 1080).

Also don't see this in the list of changes in the new beta. Any chance this is on the list of possible additions to the new version?
Jun 4, 2017 (modified Jun 4, 2017)  • #11
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Andrew Maiman
8 discussion posts
Thanks for the heads up! I was able to reproduce that here and have added it to our list for the next beta.

Glad I'm not the only one; same issue here. Subscribing to thread.
Jun 5, 2017  • #12
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Richard Adrion419975
4 discussion posts
9.0 Beta 1
Windows 10 -Creators Update
Also running Start 10 (1.55) and Fences

Secondary taskbar -Tray area is transparent, seems to be a DisplayFusion issue, appeared after updating to 9.0 Beta 1
• Attachment: taskbar issue.JPG [28,690 bytes]
taskbar issue.JPG
taskbar issue.JPG
Jun 6, 2017  • #13
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Andrew Maiman
8 discussion posts
Looking good in beta 2; the taskbar is no longer on top of full-screen applications. Thanks!
Jun 6, 2017  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Jun 6, 2017  • #15
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Richard Adrion419975
4 discussion posts
Beta 2 did not fix my issue
Jun 6, 2017  • #16
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Richard: Is your taskbar colour set via Windows, or Start10?
Jun 7, 2017  • #17
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Richard Adrion419975
4 discussion posts
The color is set with Start 10
Jun 7, 2017  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I can't seem to reproduce this. Could you attach a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button
  • Paste the text into a text file (please don't paste the text directly into your reply, the formatting gets garbled and makes it difficult to parse)
  • Reply with the file attached
Jun 7, 2017  • #19
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Richard Adrion419975
4 discussion posts
Ok, I can't seem to reproduce this. Could you attach a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button
  • Paste the text into a text file (please don't paste the text directly into your reply, the formatting gets garbled and makes it difficult to parse)
  • Reply with the file attached
• Attachment [protected]: [25,616 bytes]
Jun 7, 2017  • #20
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Collin Chaffin
69 discussion posts
I can confirm beta 2 fixed the taskbar full screen issue! Thanks for the super-quick fix guys!
Collin Chaffin's profile on
Jun 8, 2017  • #21
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