Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
Is there an explanation of what "Monitor Fading" is, and why it would be used?
Monitor Fading is really nice, tho this needs a lot of work still.
When using "Fade Everything Except Current Window", I experience the following issues:
- Start menu width doesn't get recognized properly (too small)
- Start menus on 2nd/3rd monitor fade everything except the start menu "block" on monitor 1
- ShareX cannot recognize windows anymore, always suggests a giant screenshot of all 3 monitors
- Despite the ShareX issue, the Windows Snipping Tool seems to work fine
Since I use ShareX all day everyday I sadly have to pass on this really awesome feature.
@TheTimmaeh: Thanks for the feedback, I've added these issues to our list to fix up!

1 discussion post
Is there a way with new wallpaper abyss api to choose multiple sub categories like you used to be able to do? Now i either have to have the whole category or just one sub category.

Denny Caldwell
1 discussion post
I want to throw my vote in the hat for bringing back the multiple category selection for Wallpaper Abyss if/when their API is updated.
In the meantime, is there another provider that you could suggest that supports multiple categories and also has a large selection of images like Wallpaper Abyss?