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We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 9.0 Beta 5 is available for download! This release is mostly behind the scenes improvements, but also adds a new feature called Monitor Fading.

DisplayFusion 9.0 Beta 5 Highlights

  • Added the Monitor Fading feature for dimming monitors or windows.
  • Updated Wallpaper Abyss to use their new API.
  • Minor improvements to video wallpaper.
  • Disabled mini previews on the Settings > Screen Saver tab as they are unreliable. You can still do a full screen preview.
  • Added new "Process Created" and "Process Ended" Trigger Events.
  • The Website Screen Saver now displays at the correct size.
  • Many other bug fixes, performance, and stability improvements

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage anyone who likes to test the bleeding edge to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Beta Change Log.

Settings: Monitor Fading
Settings: Monitor Fading
Oct 24, 2017  • #1
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Fred Greco
173 discussion posts
Is there an explanation of what "Monitor Fading" is, and why it would be used?
Oct 24, 2017  • #2
TheTimmaeh's profile on
Is there an explanation of what "Monitor Fading" is, and why it would be used?

It dimms other windows/monitors that are not focused.
Oct 24, 2017  • #3
TheTimmaeh's profile on
Monitor Fading is really nice, tho this needs a lot of work still.

When using "Fade Everything Except Current Window", I experience the following issues:
- Start menu width doesn't get recognized properly (too small)
- Start menus on 2nd/3rd monitor fade everything except the start menu "block" on monitor 1
- ShareX cannot recognize windows anymore, always suggests a giant screenshot of all 3 monitors
- Despite the ShareX issue, the Windows Snipping Tool seems to work fine

Since I use ShareX all day everyday I sadly have to pass on this really awesome feature.
Oct 24, 2017  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@TheTimmaeh: Thanks for the feedback, I've added these issues to our list to fix up!
Oct 25, 2017  • #5
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1 discussion post
Is there a way with new wallpaper abyss api to choose multiple sub categories like you used to be able to do? Now i either have to have the whole category or just one sub category.
Oct 27, 2017  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Their proper API which is what we've switched to doesn't support multiple categories, no :(

If they add it in the future, we'll definitely update the plugin to support it.

Oct 28, 2017  • #7
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Denny Caldwell
1 discussion post
I want to throw my vote in the hat for bringing back the multiple category selection for Wallpaper Abyss if/when their API is updated.

In the meantime, is there another provider that you could suggest that supports multiple categories and also has a large selection of images like Wallpaper Abyss?
Oct 30, 2017  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
WallpaperFusion, UnSplash, and Bing Desktop all allow multiple categories to be selected :)
Oct 31, 2017  • #9
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