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We're very excited to announce that DisplayFusion 9.8 is now available for download! This version is mostly bug fixes and a few minor changes.

DisplayFusion 9.8 Highlights

  • Change: Monitor name is now shown on the preview in the Monitor Config window
  • Change: Added a warning when trying to set a key combination that doesn't use any modifier keys
  • Change: Changed the Window Position Profiles icon
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with the Microsoft Edge web browser not being correctly removed from the Windows taskbar in Windows 10 21H1
  • Fix: Resolved an issue with Open Shell and Taskbar Magic
  • Fix: Windows should no longer end up behind the taskbar in some cases with monitor splitting enabled
  • Fix: Titlebar Buttons didn't appear on Soda PDF main window
  • Fix: Improved the Move Window to Next Monitor function when using splits and scaling
  • Fix: DF should no longer hang when an HDMI 2.1 device is connected
  • Fix: "Ignore minimized windows when restoring" option in Window Position Profiles wasn't working
  • Fix: Maxthon browser no longer moves when middle-clicking a tab
  • Fix: Resolved a couple of mouse wrapping/no-snag issues
  • Fix: DisplayFusion will no longer try to add TitleBar Buttons to Norton Security windows (this will prevent the "tampering" log messages in Norton Security)
  • Fix: Mouse cursor no longer does a double move with mouse wrapping and prevent snagging features
  • Fix: Triggers now work correctly with the "Mirror Window (No Borders)" function
  • Fix: Windows taskbar no longer spans entire screen on some split setups
  • Fix: TitleBar Buttons no longer disappear on maximized windows when Stardock Groupy is installed
  • Fix: Monitor selector overlay text should no longer occasionally get stuck on screen
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where certain functions were slow if any keyboard key was held
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where mouse cursor functions sometimes moved the cursor to the wrong location
  • Fix: Instagram wallpaper plugin finally approved by Facebook!
  • Fix: Windows that were previously maximized to a split before closing no longer have a gap when re-opening
  • Fix: TitleBar Buttons will no longer show up on context menus in Citrix XenApp windows
  • Fix: Scripted Functions that use BFS.DisplayFusion.LoadWindowPositionProfile no longer hang
  • Fix: Improved the speed of Functions when run via TitleBar Buttons
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where loading a Window Position Profile would sometimes hang DisplayFusion
  • Fix: Improved CPU usage
  • Fix: Audio tray menu for switching devices is now in the correct spot on multi-DPI systems

Updating DisplayFusion

We encourage everyone to update to this new version today to take advantage of these improvements. If you've already purchased DisplayFusion, it's a lifetime license, so you can upgrade to this version at no cost! If you would like to see a complete list of all the changes, please visit the DisplayFusion Change Log. We'd like to send out a big thanks to the dozens of people who helped with the DisplayFusion translations, and the thousands of people that helped test the Beta versions. Thanks everyone!

DisplayFusion 9.8.0 Screenshots

Settings Window
Settings Window
Monitor Splitting Window
Monitor Splitting Window
Desktop Wallpaper Window
Desktop Wallpaper Window
May 4, 2021 (modified May 4, 2021)  • #1
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