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I am very happy to announce that the new DisplayFusion Customer Portal has been launched! The customer portal is a place for you to view your license keys, manage your contact information and much more.

  • License Keys: View your DisplayFusion license keys and transaction history
  • Contact Information: View or update your contact information
  • Translations: If you help with the DisplayFusion Translations, you'll find everything you need right here
  • Referrals: If you are in the DisplayFusion Referral Program, you can view your stats and track your payouts
  • Resellers: If you are a DisplayFusion Reseller, you can manage your customers license keys, as well generate and send new license keys
DisplayFusion Customer Portal

I would encourage you to visit the DisplayFusion Customer Portal today and take a look around, there's something useful for everyone!

Feb 9, 2011  • #1
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