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13 discussion posts
If you create a new windows forms application and set the WindowState to WindowState.Maximized, the Left property to 0, and the Top property to 0. DisplayFusion is unable to shift the window between monitors, it goes from a maximized state to a 'Restored' state, moves over to the other monitor, then moves back to the original monitor, then goes back to a maximized state.

A sample repro VS project is attached. This also happens with WPF applications. One example of a popular application that is affected by this bug is SVNMonitor (

If you stick a breakpoint in the code to position the window top/left/maximized you see that it is only called on application start, not again when DisplayFusion interacts with it, which is why it seems strange that this behaviour occurs.

This bug has been in DisplayFusion for a long time, not always though, I forget which version it was in when this behaviour first started.


• Attachment: [41,027 bytes]
Sep 11, 2009  • #1
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Andrew M
37 discussion posts
thanks for the in-depth feedback of this issue Josh - We'll use your information to investigate and get back to you.
Sep 11, 2009  • #2
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Whats your shortcut for monitor swap? And are you using w7?
Sep 11, 2009  • #3
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13 discussion posts
My monitor swap shortcut key is Win+X, I'm on XP SP3, fully patched.
Sep 12, 2009  • #4
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5 discussion posts
I have noticed the behavior that Josh demonstrated with his example VS project in another couple of programs:

Fiddler (
Red Gate's .NET Reflector (

The behavior occurs when you do the following actions to a maximized window:

Move window to next monitor hotkey (CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN)
Move window to next monitor and maximize hotkey (CTRL+SHIFT+UP)
Middle click on application's title bar
Left-click drag application's title bar to the other monitor

I think that this behavior started with version 3 of DisplayFusion. I just tested with DisplayFusion 2.1.1 and it does NOT have this problem.

Here are my system specs:

Windows XP SP3 with latest updates
DisplayFusion 3.1.2
Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
Sep 13, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I made some significant changes to the window management code for the 3.1.3 release, and as a results all of these applications now move as expected (including your custom app). Thanks for providing that repro app, it helped quite a bit! :) Version 3.1.3 will be released in the next couple of days. Thanks!
Sep 14, 2009  • #6
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13 discussion posts
Thanks Jon, that's awesome. Your support of your applications is outstanding.

Completely off-topic question, do you mind me asking how you're doing your internationalized installer?
Sep 15, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am using the new Unicode version of the Inno Setup 5.3 installer. It was released a couple of months ago, and fully supports Unicode language files. :)
Sep 15, 2009  • #8
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