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Two savvy DisplayFusion users have informed me that they discovered DisplayFusion while reading the June 2008 issue of PC Authority in Australia. Both were able to send me copies of the article and both received free DisplayFusion Pro licenses. I'd like to send out a big thanks to Ian Neale and Tim Burns for making this discovery, and I hope both are enjoying their complimentary licenses. If you would like to find out how you can take advantage of this great offer, just visit the In the News page for more information.

PC Authority Magazine June 2008 DisplayFusion (Cover)  PC Authority Magazine June 2008 DisplayFusion (Article)
May 10, 2008  • #1
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1 discussion post
I guess PC Authority is either a sister publication of PC Pro or David Moss syndicates his writings. Either way, the same article - including screen shot - appeared in the May '08 edition of PC Pro magazine in the UK.

Your reputation is (deservedly) spreading!

All the best,
May 13, 2008  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the find Ian, and thanks for sending me a copy! You should find a shiny new DisplayFusion Pro license in your inbox. If not, just drop me a line.
May 14, 2008  • #3
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