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Peter Hancox
5 discussion posts
Have just started evaluating DisplayFusion on 4 monitor (Laptop + 3 External) setup which is going well.

However, I am getting mixed results when trialling DisplayFusion installed on Amazon EC2 running Windows Server 2012. I connect to the EC2 instance using RDC session with "Use all my monitors for the remote session" selected. I am then running DisplayFusion on the remote computer to manage the multiple monitors.

Certain functions such as changing the primary monitor fail, which is to be expected as you usually can't change this for a remote session along with settings such as monitor resolution.

Window snapping doesn't appear to work either.

I won't go into an extensive feature by feature check yet. Just wanted to know if running DisplayFusion in a remote session is a supported and/or commonly used scenario?
Apr 7, 2014 (modified Apr 7, 2014)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah, it's not possible to change the Primary monitor in an RDP session, but Window Snapping should definitely work. In my testing, I had to enable the "Show window contents while dragging" option in the Windows Performance settings. Steps on how to do that here:

Hope that helps!
Apr 7, 2014  • #2
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Peter Hancox
5 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

I turned on "Show window contents while dragging" to get window position tooltips (read that somewhere). Hadn't tried window snapping after that. Have now and works fine.

Have a bit of a struggle with wallpaper as Amazon EC2 updates the wallpaper (optionally) with info (similar to DisplayFusion). I'm not using the DisplayFusion info overlay but I do use the Amazon EC2 info overlay. Wallpaper seems to get messed up on first logon. Opening DisplayFusion and just doing a save resets the wallpaper so the base wallpaper is now drawn cleanly on each monitor but the EC2 info overlay is now missing.

If you have any experience with this please let me know. If not don't worry, it's not a major problem and I'll spend some time messing with it later. Problem is no doubt due to multiple programs wanting to modify the "base" wallpaper at various point in time.

Apr 7, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear the snapping and tooltips are all good now! The wallpaper thing is likely unavoidable. I haven't used EC2, but you're correct. Usually when programs add info to the desktop wallpaper, they take the original image and then generate a new image with the info overlaid on it and set that as the wallpaper.

If you want DisplayFusion to always override EC2 for the wallpaper, just enable the two auto-fix options in the Wallpaper Settings. (screenshot attached for reference)
• Attachment: Wallpaper Auto-Fix.jpg [231,208 bytes]
Wallpaper Auto-Fix.jpg
Wallpaper Auto-Fix.jpg
Apr 8, 2014  • #4
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Peter Hancox
5 discussion posts
Is it possible to turn off DisplayFusion's wallpaper handling? I'm happy with the stock standard Windows Server 2012 default but with the EC2 info overlayed. This is what I had before installing DisplayFusion. i.e., I'd like to use many of DisplayFusion's other features but don't really care about the wallpaper.

When I first installed DisplayFusion, it wouldn't let me save any settings changes until I specified a wallpaper image.
Apr 9, 2014  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It sure is! Just make sure those two options in my previous post are disabled, then click the Use Default Options button in the Wallpaper window and apply. After that, the next time EC2 changes the wallpaper, DisplayFusion won't try to change it back.
Apr 9, 2014  • #6
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