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DisplayFusion v2.2 has been progressing along very nicely, with a huge thanks to the translators involved. It should be ready for release in a few weeks, but this depends on how much free time I will have. I'd like to thank everyone who emailed me about helping out with the translation, I now have enough people to cover the initially supported languages. After the release of this new version I will be posting the English resource file for anyone else that would like to run DisplayFusion in their own language.

My quest for a job has also been going quite well. I have been interviewing with a number of companies over the last few weeks. One of the companies I have been interviewing with flew me to their head office in New York city for the day on Monday, and it was a great trip. I had never been to New York before, but didn't really have much time to see anything. What a busy city though, there were people and cars everywhere. Next, I'll be packing my bags in a few hours and heading back to Ottawa for a few days to interview with some different companies. I can't wait for life to settle back down to a more normal, less chaotic pace and I'm sure my wife feels the same way.

Sep 16, 2008  • #1
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