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Hey guys,

I purchased DisplayFusion a while ago, and have uninstalled it since because it made my Windows Explorer crash. I now start to miss this program because of Window's poor management for multi monitors so I'm trying to find what's wrong.

It causes a state of "semi-crash" after I've been AFK for a long time. I find my PC in that weird semi-crash state when I wake up, or when I come back from work. I say semi-crash because it's really weird, my explorer starts, but the left panel where all the folders are supposed to be shown is empty, I can't navigate anywhere. Also, if I click on the start button, then on the little profile icon to try to logoff or restart, it doesn't work the start menu disappears as soon as I click on the profile icon.
At first I was like ok I can live with that bug all I have to do is create a script to restart the PC, but as soon as the semi-crash state happens, the script doesn't work too.

I've had this bug for a looong time and I have made sure that DisplayFusion was the problem. I tried uninstalling most of my programs, same problem, clean format, same problem, but as soon as I uninstall DisplayFusion, no bug anymore.
I never turn my PC off so I've had tons of occasions to notice this bug.

I want to give DisplayFusion another shot but I can't afford to have this bug happening almost everyday again it's too much of a pain. Please help :)
Jul 11, 2023 (modified Jul 11, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Jul 11, 2023  • #2
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Thanks for trying to help me, I'm going to re install the app and I'll send you the report next time the bug happens
Jul 11, 2023  • #3
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After re installing the program, I found a new bug that is very annoying this time. And I will not be able to live with that one for sure.

My past years with DisplayFusion:

Profile 1:
Monitor 1 - ENABLED
Monitor 2 - ENABLED
Monitor 3 - DISABLED

Profile 2:
Monitor 1 - DISABLED
Monitor 2 - DISABLED
Monitor 3 - ENABLED

Easy setup, one for desktop, one for the TV. In the past years, I've never had to switch profile manually, turning my TV on and my 2 desktop monitor OFF would automatically switch the profiles, same when I turn the TV OFF and turn my 2 monitors ON. It's not working anymore. Which is weird because I've been using DP for years and I never had this problem even after many formats / clean install and rebuilding my profile. But this time, it is broken.
Jul 11, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you can send me your troubleshooting info we can look into it :)
Jul 12, 2023  • #5
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Here's the log
• Attachment [protected]: [51,713 bytes]
Jul 12, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. If you manually load the profiles, are they correctly showing as detected in the upper left corner of the Monitor Configuration window?
Jul 12, 2023  • #7
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Yes, manually loading the Desktop or TV profile make both work properly, and the top left badge shows the correct profile detected.

Every time I change from Desktop to TV profile, when I get back to Desktop profile the system tray stays stuck in that overscaled state and I have to restart explorer to reset it (I've always had this problem it's not new, but hey if we can fix it too...):

I could live with a workaround being binding keys to activate profile 1 and profile 2. But again, a problem I've always had with DF is:
Monitor configuration > Manage monitor profile > Set key combination for profile 1 and 2.
Close, apply, OK.
--> Keyboard shortcut doesnt work.
--> Re opens DF, keyboard shortcut is gone, it hasnt been saved.

I've never got that to work, any keyboard shortcut I've ever entered get wiped after exiting the program (not really exiting it, pressing OK to send it back to system tray)

Now that I start to encounter all of these problems again I'm asking myself why I bought DF. I think it's because I wanted a "real" second taskbar with system tray, which Winndows doenst offer. But even that I had to stop using it and get back to the Windows second taskbar because DF doesnt support "scaling" for the second taskbar and it looks absolutely weird looking at the 2, one scaled, the other unscaled. (Both 27" 1440p standing 80cm from monitor so Windows is at 150%, TV 55" 4K at 300 or 400%)
Jul 12, 2023 (modified Jul 13, 2023)  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The scaled tray menu isn't something we can fix. Explorer needs to be restarted, or a sign out/back in for it to redraw to the correct size.

Are you setting your hotkey via the Monitor Configuration > Manage Monitor Profiles tab? In the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions, do you have "Enable Key Combinations" checked?

Could you send me a screenshot showing each taskbar as well?
Jul 13, 2023  • #9
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Ok for the system tray scaling I give on that it's not a big deal.

What about DF taskbar scaling (the taskbar from DF, not de Windows one) ? It's not supported and has to stay at a default 100% ?

Another problem, when I come back from TV profile to desktop profile, one of my 2 Windows taskbar has its size changed and is larger, sometime it's the one from monitor 1, sometime from monitor 2. Which is very annoying because both are set to the minimum size and DF resizes one on it's own.

Any idea about why the profiles are not automatically detected when I turn ON/OFF the right monitors after checking the log I provided ?

Here is a screenshot of my desktop with the 2 taskbars as you asked:

And here is a video of how I try to input some keyboard shortcuts and the setting you asked for. As previously stated, I believe I'm already doing exactly the steps you described:
Jul 13, 2023  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The taskbar should be matching the scaling, I tested it out here and it seemed to work fine. Was your scaling set correctly when you sent your troubleshooting info over? It looks like it's reading all monitors at 100%.

Is it the height (or width if you're using vertical taskbars) that's getting adjusted? Could you send me over a copy of your troubleshooting info right after that issue happens, and note the taskbar it happened to?

Everything looks good with your profiles in your troubleshooting info. Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

If you set a hotkey in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, and then reload the settings window, is that wiped as well?
Jul 13, 2023  • #11
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The taskbar should be matching the scaling, I tested it out here and it seemed to work fine. Was your scaling set correctly when you sent your troubleshooting info over? It looks like it's reading all monitors at 100%.

Monitor 1 (AW2721D) and monitor 2 (VG27A) have always been at 150% scaling since I got them in the Windows "Display Settings". I have no idea why would DF read them as 100%. That's not correct at all.
Glad to hear taskbar scaling is working for you at least !
As you can see on my previous screenshot of my desktop, both Windows taskbars are properly scaled:

but if I use DF taskbar, here is the result:

As you can see, not scaled, not the same size at all. That's why I had to stop using THE feature that made me install DF. I prefer sticking with default Windows taskbar and not be bothered by that wierd DF taskbar.


Is it the height (or width if you're using vertical taskbars) that's getting adjusted? Could you send me over a copy of your troubleshooting info right after that issue happens, and note the taskbar it happened to?

I'm using vertical taskbars as you can see, and yes it's the width getting larger. I've not been able to replicate that right now. Last time it happened it was on monitor 2. I'll export a log next time it happens.


Everything looks good with your profiles in your troubleshooting info. Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

I mean how many logs am I going to send. All of the problems I mentioned already happened prior to me sending the first log, it should be in already. But yeah... I'll send you anything you want. Which problem to you want me to highlight here ? There are so many. And we lost track of the main one, yes my profiles are good, and still, it's not switching to TV profile automatically when I turn the TV ON and my 2 monitors OFF like it used to in the past. And it's not switching profile automatically when I turn the TV OFF and my 2 monitors ON. I mean that's the only thing that has been working properly without any bug with DF in the past, and now somehow this is broken too. I mean yeah the devs seem to work hard to break things one by one.


If you set a hotkey in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, and then reload the settings window, is that wiped as well?

We finaly made some progress, entering the hotkeys straight into the "Functions" tab is working and they're not wiped. It's just that the "Monitor Configuration > Manage Monitor Profiles > Key Combination" is broken, and always has been, never worked for me as you can see on the video.
Jul 13, 2023 (modified Jul 13, 2023)  • #12
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Actually can you update to our latest beta and let me know if that scaling issue persists? Here's the link: From your screenshot it looks like the taskbar itself is scaling fine, it's the buttons that aren't, and we've fixed up a similar issue there.

I didn't see a debug log attached in your original info. If you can send it over with a time stamp switching between your monitors when it should be auto detecting the profile, it should tell us whether DisplayFusion see's it and it's failing to load, or if it doesn't see it at all.
Jul 17, 2023  • #13
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Good news, the beta didn't fix the DF taskbar bad scaling, but it fixed the automatic profile switch !

About the problem I had before, which is DF making my explorer crash, I havent ecountered that problem since I started using DF a few days ago, so 2 possibilities:
- It happens only while using the DF taskbar, which I dont use anymore because it's bad.
- It has been fixed since, which I don't belive because I've had this bug forever before through many Windows clean installs.

So yeah, I guess I'm in a working state now. I just have to quit trying to use the DF taskbar and I'm gonna keep that beta version somewhere so I can come back to it if devs feel like breaking working stuff again in the future.
Thanks for your help.
Jul 21, 2023  • #14
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