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2 discussion posts

I have been using display fusion for a couple years now and really enjoy it. I have a number of custom functions an triggers. I consitantly backup and restore profiles but found it suddenlty doesn't restore new exported settings. It will import my old settings from Janurary just fine but with my attempt with restoreing my latest backup it will not.

It prompts me that it was a success but my triggers and custom functions are no longer there and it seems to be at default settings.

I've attached my most recent backup please help! I can no longer trust backing up my settings :'(
Jun 5, 2023 (modified Jun 5, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
There's currently a bug in 10.0 with the path created from backups. If you do a find and replace to search for "CurrentUser" and replace it with "HKEY_CURRENT_USER", it should fix that up.
Jun 5, 2023  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Thanks for the quick response!
I was able to restore my profile after replacing the location around 20 lines in the back up file.

a bit tedious but I'm just thankful it worked.8)
Jun 6, 2023  • #3
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Krystyna LIneberry27776
1 discussion post
I replaced CurrentUser in the backup file before restoring. It restored the theme to "Dark" and my lock screen wallpaper is present. However, none of my profiles are there. I had multiple profiles for Monitor Config, Desktop Wallpaper, Taskbar Shortcuts, and Desktop Icon Profiles so I could change as the situation required.
• Attachment [protected]: Capture.PNG [228,321 bytes]
Jun 7, 2023 (modified Jun 7, 2023)  • #4
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1 discussion post
So glad I found this I was trying all kinds of weird things to get my restore working!
Find and replace all worked for me. My triggers and custom functions are back.
Jun 14, 2023  • #5
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