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8 discussion posts
I set up DisplayFusion with all the settings I desired.
Then I exported the file.reg file and created a startup reg comand in regedit to run this for all users upon profile launch.
When creating a new test profile the Windows 10 Pro sits at the default wallpaper screen and nothing happens.
Of course launch at startup was chosen.
I can see the service is running from Task Manager, and until I launch DisplayFusion once manually, nothing auto starts. After launching just once manually for that specific account, it works fine thereafter each time, and all settings from the imported file.reg file work as well confirming it was imported.
These are non admin accounts and I confirmed it is not being run as admin.
I tried switching the service from Delayed Start to auto start but this doesn't really chanhe anything.
Also, I am currently in Trial Pro mode.

Any ideas anyone?
Jan 24, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you open Task Manager > Startup, is DisplayFusion listed as "Enabled" before you launch it manually for the first time?
Jan 25, 2024  • #2
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8 discussion posts
So I checked, it is listedin task manager startup for the primary account I used which had admin rights to install it.

However, any other standard user does not have it listed in startup.
Jan 25, 2024  • #3
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I just tried a clean install on another PC and observed the same behavior.
Any other users that log in (non-admins) do not have it in startup and obviously it doesnt work.
By do not have it I mean its completely missing as an entry - not a listed item in disabled state.

Not sure if its a bug or just not inteded to satisfy such a use case.

As a workaround, I threw the executable into a delayed startup scheduled task, right after a scheduled task to import the exported settings and that works... with the annoyance of the Window always being open of the main software which does not auto minimize and the user has to close it every day when logging into their PC for the first time.
Jan 25, 2024 (modified Jan 25, 2024)  • #4
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8 discussion posts
Well... after hours of playing with it I actually figured out a mass workarund and got it to work
Thanks anyway!
Jan 26, 2024  • #5
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