2 discussion posts
I've tried the recent 9.7.1 and the curreent beta, I have a few games that will not open in fullscreen with DisplayFusion active. Cyberpunk, Orange Cast and another one that escapes me.
I've never had this issue before and i'm running an unchanged profile.
Strange, if you open up the Display Fusion settings and head to the compatibility tab, can you add the application in and check off "Disable Application Hooks" and see if the issue persists?

2 discussion posts
Thanks for the reply
That doesn't work. I also tried forcing to fullscreen in the same menu and it doesn't work either.
I madea recording of the situation. When the game goes fullscreen back to desktop that's me alt tabbing.
Interesting, thanks for sending over that video. Can you try enabling "Force Display Fusion to treat this as a full screen application" along with "Disable Display Fusion Taskbars while this application is running", and then restart Display Fusion and see if the issue persists?

5 discussion posts
Hi Owen, sorry to open a dead thread, but I come bearing good news at least since this user never got back to you. I couldn't verify I had the same issue using the video provided in this thread because the link is dead now, but the issue sounds very similar if not identical to the issue I was having recently. Your troubleshooting steps helped me to figure out the problem and maybe this will help with debugging if devs are taking a look at this?
I started by adding 3 different games that were having the issue to the "Compatibility" tab in DF. I tested each of these steps on each game, and they all exhibited the same behavior.
Checking the "Disable DisplayFusion Taskbars while the application is running" option fixed the issue of the games forcing themselves to constantly alt tab; however when I did alt tab out of the game, this made me unable to use the DF taskbars, which is not ideal at all. I messed with the "Disable Application Hooks" and "Force Fullscreen" options as well - ultimately those lanes were moot, but then I remembered one of the games behaved fine the day before I had Enabled Auto-Hide on my DF taskbars.
I turned off all the Compatibility options, Disabled Auto-Hide on all of my DF taskbars and tested each game: Everything worked perfectly and I could still use the taskbars when I did want to alt tab.
Looks to me like the Display Fusion Multi-Monitor Taskbar Auto-Hide function doesn't play well with Fullscreen apps. So I deleted all the compatibility applications and I'll be happy without Auto-Hide for now. Thanks for your comments to point me in the right direction.
Ah, interesting find! What games were you able to reproduce this with? If I have them I'll test it out and see if I can reproduce it.

5 discussion posts
Well I said 3 games, but technically it was 2. I play Rocket League on two different platforms and had to do this with both launchers.
Rocket League (Epic Launcher)
Rocket League (Steam Launcher)
Teamfight Tactics
I didn't test with League of Legends, but it's also one of those weird Riot games where the lobby window isn't fullscreen before the games launches fullscreen, and I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if it behaved the same as TFT based on the testing I had done. If I have it happen on any other games, I'll be sure to post here.
Do you have a monitor split on the monitor you're launching the game on?
Okay interesting, I think I can reproduce this when there's a split set. If that split is disabled does the issue persist?

5 discussion posts
Owen, my apologies for not getting back to you about this. I have been enable to use the workaround so I haven't been paying attention to the thread.
I haven't tried without using the split. I can test it this weekend if you'd like. I've had a different issue recently that I can open a different thread for though.
If that's working for you and it's not causing troubles, we can leave it for now. If the issue comes back just let us know.
You can start a new thread for your other issue as well, yep!

Marijn Blom
1 discussion post
Also having issues. Single screen, split into 3 parts with DF. I run Apex legends (through steam), it goes full screen perfectly. But when I alt-tab to some other window and try to get back to full-screen, it won't let me and keeps minimizing.
Disabling the displayfusion taskbars when the game is running lets me alt-tab back into the game full screen, but means I can't really work with the game minimized.
Dec 22, 2022 (modified Dec 22, 2022)
We have this on our list to look into so we'll be sure to let you know if we have anything further on it going forward.

1 discussion post
Has this been officially fixed at all? Whenever I open a full-screen game (Rocket League, Metro Exodus, etc.) it keeps minimizing repeatedly such that I either A) have to go to GeForce Experience to make the game open in Borderless mode, or B) disable display fusion all together. It makes DF a huge hassle. Note that I am not using any form of display splitting. I have three monitors, and want the game to display in fullscreen mode on one of them.
Mar 18, 2023 (modified Mar 18, 2023)
We haven't found a fix for this yet, but usually adding the compatibility settings in post #4 fixes this up