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For this week only, the excellent tech news site The How-To Geek is giving away 5 free DisplayFusion Pro licenses! The contest rules are simple. Just say one thing you like about DisplayFusion, and one thing you would like to change. I'll be watching the giveaway very closely to see how I can improve the next version, and you can benefit with a free DisplayFusion Pro license! Here are the rules from the site:

So you want a copy of the Pro version? We have FIVE copies to give away, and we'll be selecting them randomly from the comments. Here's what you have to do:
  • Grab yourself a free copy of DisplayFusion (you can get a free trial of Pro if you want, or stick with the free one).
  • Leave a comment explaining one (or more) thing you like about the software, and one thing you think could be improved. Be sure to use your real email address.
  • To cut down on accidental spam filtering, include the keyword DisplayFusion in your comment.
  • We will announce the winners in the weekly roundup, so you have a couple of days to participate.

Head over to The How-To Geek today and leave your feedback for a chance to win!

Update: The contest is now over, and the winners have been contacted. Congratulations to the 5 winners, and a big thank you to everyone who left their feedback!

Nov 9, 2009  • #1
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Chad Owens
1 discussion post
DisplayFusion is excellent - I don't need a licensed copy because I already have one. Although a copy for work would be great I guess! I love the fact that it can change wallpapers from Vladstudio (I also have a registered account there).

I'd love to see support for the Vladstudio Wallpaper clocks - either from the Vladstudio site, or just being able to point to a folder of *.wcz files on your hard drive and have them update. Probably a lot of work though!

I was going to actually e-mail you directly about this but I saw the post and thought I'd go via this method. Its an awesoem program, keep up the fantastic work!

Nov 10, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm glad to hear you are enjoying DisplayFusion. I currently don't have plans to support the wallpaper clocks, but who knows what the future holds. :)
Nov 10, 2009  • #3
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Jan Aynes
1 discussion post
My use may be a bit unusual, but I like DisplayFusion because I can hook up one of my laptops to my TV and watch netflix online, plus my sisters and I are going to go through some family photos and this is an excellent way for all of us to look at the photos from a CD in almost life size format. This is also an excellent way to view digital video recordings. I was also thinking about entertaining, and displaying photos from my jewelry business when I have people over, or even displaying family or theme photos with Pandora playing in the background. I wanted to find a tool like this, googled display settings for two monitors and viola! I got just what I asked for!

Thanks so much for this - it is excellent!
Nov 11, 2009  • #4
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Douglas Peterson
1 discussion post
I hope its not too late for this, this is so awesome
Nov 29, 2009  • #5
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Edmund Lada
1 discussion post
Hi Jon, I haven't been back to your site for some time now. I've been using the free version of DisplayFusion for some years now. I did use ObjectDock in XP but switched to Fusion in Vista. I am now on Win 7 and so is Fusion but ObjectDock is no longer in my programs. Your program makes it so easy to run 2 monitor and have a different desktop on each. I like the new idea of a toolbar on each monitor and that was the one thing I missed from ObjectDock. When I installed Fusion on Win 7, I guess I installed the Pro trial because that has just ended. I didn't pay much attention to new features, I just wanted my monitors to act the way they did in Vista, so I actually have just been running the free version. You were nice enough to let me downloasd it again today and I'm anxiously waiting to see what is new. I know for sure I will be running the 2nd toolbar.
The thing I like about your pricing is a once and done fee not a use fee or whatever they want to call it every year. I don't think there is any question I will be signing up. I went through your pictures and the one thing I missed is a good family picture not a building or monument shot with some specks in it. Get a head and shoulders shot and take your hat off. You look like a fun group and know how to live life away from the computers.

Best regards, Ed Lada, PA, USA
Nov 29, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@Ed: I'm glad to hear you're enjoying DisplayFusion. I hate buying software that charges you yearly fees, or upgrade fees, so I don't play those games with the software I create. :)
Nov 30, 2009  • #7
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Dennis Vine
1 discussion post
All I can say is having used dual monitors since I have had a computer, your program makes my life so much easier. I love having a free program( Used my pro-trail) that allows me to have different wallpapers as well as the dual task bars. Makes working with a dual monitor setup so much better. I hate using windows but any box I use windows on I have Display Fusion running no questions asked! Thanks for an awesome free software!
Dec 9, 2009  • #8
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Richard B
1 discussion post
I love love love display fusion, it is the only program out that makes my computing easier. Along with windows 7 it is just getting better and better, I would have it no other way. I would like to see the taskbar for the second monitor more like the one on windows 7 because the icons that replaces the tabs with words was great,. and the preview was nice i see your close but you dont have where you can move the mouse over it and it come up on the monitor(hope you are working on that) also something with screen savers with sound would be great! and like the person before me (abnd im sure many other and more to come) Thanks for an awesome software!
Dec 16, 2009  • #9
User Image
1 discussion post
DisplayFusion is excellent - I don't need a licensed copy because I already have one. Although a copy for work would be great I guess! I love the fact that it can change wallpapers from Vladstudio (I also have a registered account there).

I'd love to see support for the Vladstudio Wallpaper clocks - either from the Vladstudio site, or just being able to point to a folder of *.wcz files on your hard drive and have them update. Probably a lot of work though!

I was going to actually e-mail you directly about this but I saw the post and thought I'd go via this method. Its an awesoem program, keep up the fantastic work!

Apr 28, 2010  • #10
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