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Raise a glass with me as I celebrate DisplayFusion's 500,000th download! Since being released in August 2007, DisplayFusion has racked up more than a half a million downloads. Unfortunately, I only started tracking downloads in January 2008. Starting from January 2008, DisplayFusion reached 500,000 this afternoon! If I'm not mistaken, I believe a celebration is in order. To commemorate this special event I will be raising DisplayFusion's price to $500,000 per license. Oh wait, that doesn't sound right. How about 50% off instead? Starting right now, until Wednesday at midnight (GMT-5), DisplayFusion will be on sale for only $10 per license! Volume discounts still apply as well. That means you can pickup 2 licenses for only $16, or 5 licenses for just $30 (Canadian Dollars). This sale is only on for 24 hours, so if you've been waiting to pickup DisplayFusion Pro now is your chance!

May 5, 2009  • #1
John L. Galt's profile on
Congrats, Jon! All your hard work is paying off!

First, you win the battle against UM in PC Mag (Nederlanders) - and now this!

I am I.
May 5, 2009  • #2
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343 discussion posts
You the man, Jon! Gratz on a great product!
May 6, 2009  • #3
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8 discussion posts
Congratulations Jon, on this incredible milestone. Onward to one million!

Only one problem, though... that half-price offer is a little too generous! So I ordered TWO licenses last night to help make up for that. ;-) One for at home, one for at the day-job.
May 6, 2009  • #4
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Andrew M
37 discussion posts
Congrats Jon - your hard work has totally paid off :)
May 7, 2009  • #5
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1 discussion post
Congratulations John, keep going ;)
May 28, 2009  • #6
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1 discussion post
Wow, that is just amazin!
May 28, 2009  • #7
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