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John Williston
4 discussion posts
I purchased DisplayFusion after using the trial for a while because it does so many great things for multi-monitor setups. I've since discovered an issue that's a little irritating and am hoping to get help with it. That is, over time DisplayFusion slows down and needs a restart.

I leave my computer running for days at a time, and I find that after intense use (i.e., launching, using, closing, etc. lots of applications) or normal use over a day or so DisplayFusion slows down. I usually notice it when it starts taking several seconds for title-bar buttons to appear when I launch an app. I can confirm it by right-clicking the DisplayFusion icon in my system tray, insofar as the context menu will take many seconds to appear when it's being slow.

All that is required to fix this situation is to exit the app, either by said context menu or by forcing a close via Task Manager, after which restarting DisplayFusion will return it to its usually snappy self. Is there any sort of fix for this? Is it a known problem? If not, can I help with it somehow? Thanks in advance.
Feb 24, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Would you happen to be running a program called Bins? We're currently working with their developers on an issue that causes the DisplayFusion CPU/memory usage to creep up while Bins is running, just curious to see if it's the same issue you're running into :)

Feb 24, 2012  • #2
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John Williston
4 discussion posts
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Yes, as a matter of fact, I am using Bins. I love its ability to group things on the taskbar. I guess for the time being I can shut it down to see if that makes the problem go away.
Feb 24, 2012  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep that will definitely do it. You'll likely have to restart DisplayFusion after exiting Bins for the issue to go away.

I'll be sure to post an update on the issue as soon as we have one.

Feb 24, 2012  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The Bins developer has posted a new version at the link below that resolves the incompatibility between Bins and DisplayFusion.

Mar 23, 2012  • #5
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