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41 discussion posts
Apologises if i'm eyeballing this wrong here, but shoudln't these tray icons really be wrappping here?

I prevoiusly reported a problem, i think, where the date and time is cut off on this taskbar. And that appears to be fixed.

Maybe my icons are really taking up 51% of the vetical space and there just isn't room?

But this "looks" "wrong" to me? 3 rows of tray text, 2 rows of taskbar, but only 1 row of icons. And taskbars are taller than icons so this just looks wrong?
• Attachment [protected]: systemtrahnotwrapping20230827.png [16,304 bytes]
Aug 27, 2023 (modified Aug 27, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
With Windows 11, Microsoft removed tray icon wrapping so we did as well. We could bring it back though, so I've added it to our feature request list.
Aug 29, 2023  • #2
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41 discussion posts
Yes please :) :) :)

It's a bit OCD-triggering to see it wrapped on my main taskbar but not the other one.

I guess that's another reason for me not to upgrade to Windows 11!
Aug 29, 2023  • #3
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