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33 discussion posts
The latest version of Windows 10 Insider Preview (10565) has implement colored windows title bars (vs the white bar in the original release). This results in the black DisplayFusion title bar buttons having poor contrast in some of the Windows. Windows 10 seems to now alternate between white and black for their buttons, depending on the title bar color. This needs to be implemented in DisplayFusion.

From what I've read online; a new update for Windows 10 (like the old service packs they did in previous Windows versions) will be released in the next week or two and implement the above change. Would be great to see a new DisplayFusion beta release that incorporates this change in the near future.
Oct 28, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've put this on our list to see what we can do :)

Oct 29, 2015  • #2
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