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Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
We're getting right down to the end of testing now. I have just released Beta 15, and hopefully this will represent the final version. Here is a quick rundown on the changes:
- Minor threading fixes
- Minor debug logging changes
- Added a "Create start menu program group" option in the installer
- Smaller login icons @ Vladstudio window
- Better widescreen thumbnail detection for Vladstudio
- Fixed a bug that caused auto changing wallpapers to use incorrect settings if the display resolution is changed
- Fixed the "Default Wallpaper Settings" button so that it resets the "colour mode" settings correctly
- Enlarged the Settings window to accommodate "longer" languages
- Fixed some tab order issues in the Settings window

As you can see, these are very minor changes. If you aren't prompted to update in DisplayFusion, you can download the new beta from here:

If you have any issues to report please start a new topic - don't reply to this one. :)

Thanks everyone!
Jan 25, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Beta 15 includes the final translations for English and German, as those are the only 2 core language files that are completely done. However, thanks to the help of many people working on translations there are some additional languages available to test. I have attached them to this post if you are interested in helping out.

- Italian (v2.2.115.1)
- Brazilian Portuguese (v2.2.115.1)

I am still waiting for a few last phrases for remaining translations, but they're coming together quickly as well. These are the languages that I still haven't finalized yet:

- Spanish
- Swedish
- French
- Dutch
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese

I hope to complete these languages this week and roll the core languages into the main installer, and the secondary languages onto the DisplayFusion website once v2.3 goes final.

Thanks everyone!
• Attachment: it.lang [24,762 bytes]
• Attachment: pt-br.lang [25,862 bytes]
Jan 25, 2009  • #2
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