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2 discussion posts
I have been running the steam version for many years without issue, in the last couple of months a annoying glitch poped up. I have been running Windows 7 and just upgrades to 10 yesterday hoping that might fix things, it did not, so I tryied the beta version and that did not help. Next step was to re-install, so I removed DisplayFusion from the Steam app and reinstalled. Now it won't load at all. I tried removing it again, removed all files and folders for the steam app and the beta version, removed entries from the registry, restarted and installed from Steam. If I use the destop shortcut nothing seems to happen, if I launch from steam it loads, says its running, then the button goes back to Load. Nothing is running task manager and there are no system services for DisplayFusion. Tried the Beta version again, it did not find my Steam licence so I installed the trial version and I can get it to run, but the Steam version still will not load.
16 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
When you try to launch the Steam version, do you see DisplayFusion.exe appear briefly in task manager and then disappear, or does it not appear at all?
12 days ago  • #2
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2 discussion posts
I see a splash screen for display fusion and in task manager I see the Steam icon with 'Launching', I do not see displayfusion.exe
5 days ago  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
With the non-Steam version installed, can you enable level 1 logging in the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, and then install and try to launch the Steam version? You can then grab and send the log over from this path: C:\Users\(YourUser)\AppData\Local\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log
3 days ago  • #4
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