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Burton Kemp
5 discussion posts
Been using DF for years (steam version), all of a sudden a few days ago I noticed it did not launch on startup per usual. Checked task manager and noticed that displayfusion.exe and it's companion service were both running, but I got no splash screen and it wont show up in the system tray or show the window. Displayfusion.exe is pulling about 16% cpu perpetually which is definitely weird as it always settles down after startup, leading me to believe it isn't launching properly. Tried killing both, and restarting both -- nothing. Tried rebooting and then doing the same, nothing. I then tried reinstalling version 10 from steam thinking maybe it was a problem with the 11 beta but nope, still nothing. It's starting to get to me not having it so I'd appreciate any help.
Feb 22, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
What version of Windows are you running?
Feb 23, 2024  • #2
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Burton Kemp
5 discussion posts
Windows 10
Feb 24, 2024  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Can you try running this v9.9 installer directly overtop of your current install and see if the issue persists?
Feb 26, 2024  • #4
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Burton Kemp
5 discussion posts
Sure thing, thanks for the reply. I'll give it a shot and report back.
Feb 28, 2024  • #5
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2 discussion posts

I have the same problem, and have tried running the installer suggested. This hasn't fixed the problem.

Feb 29, 2024  • #6
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2 discussion posts
So further update, I have uninstalled display fusion, then reinstalled 9.9 and run it. It worked, then I have updated to 10.1.2 and that's working currently
Feb 29, 2024  • #7
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Burton Kemp
5 discussion posts
Sorry it took so long to get back, I had a bunch of RL going on. At any rate, I installed the linked version (9.9) over top of the current one and it's doing the exact same thing. No errors when launching but no splash, no system tray icon and no visual evidence it's running. Task manager lists both the main exe and the service running though, with the main exe perpetually using 12-16% cpu just as before.
Mar 8, 2024  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you do the following?

  • Launch DisplayFusion so it appears in task manager, open the Windows Task Manager, click the processes tab, then right-click DisplayFusion.exe and choose "Create Dump File"
  • ZIP the dump file to reduce the size
  • Send us the dump file. If it's too large to attach, you can send it here:

Mar 11, 2024  • #9
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Burton Kemp
5 discussion posts
After performing the requested the procedure, the resultant product was ~75MB zipped, too big for the 50MB forum maximum file size. I uploaded it to the large file upload link provided in your previous post.
Mar 14, 2024 (modified Mar 14, 2024)  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. We're going to add some further logging in our next beta, and we'll get you to grab another dump. We'll let you know once it's released.

Mar 15, 2024  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta, could you update and grab a dump the next 2 or 3 times it happens? Here's the link:
Mar 20, 2024  • #12
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