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Carey Sundberg's profile on
I want to automatically answer "Yes" to a dialog when loading an icon profile.

I'm using the command line "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe" -desktopiconload "icon_profile_name" to load a profile after an event that kills and relaunches explorer.exe.

Is there a way to send "Yes" to the pop-up dialog which asks "Are you sure you want to load your "icon_profile_name" desktop icon profile?" as a parameter from the same command line?


• Attachment [protected]: 6-27-2017 1-27-47 PM.jpg [34,943 bytes]
Jun 27, 2017  • #1
PabloMartinez's profile on
If you use script to load the icons, the dialog box does not appear. So let's use it.
Create simple script


using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
    public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
        BFS.DisplayFusion.LoadDesktopIconsProfile("Your icons profile");

And now in "DisplayFusionCommand.exe" arguments instead of -desktopiconload "icon_profile_name", use the -functionrun "created_script_name".
Jun 28, 2017 (modified Jun 28, 2017)  • #2
Carey Sundberg's profile on
Once I figured out where to make the script, that worked!

Thanks Pablo! :D
Jun 28, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Pablo: Thanks for creating that scripted function!

@Carey: You can also enable the "Desktop Icons: Don't Show Confirmation when Loading" option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window to disable the prompt :)
Jun 30, 2017  • #4
Carey Sundberg's profile on
[QUOTE@Carey: You can also enable the "Desktop Icons: Don't Show Confirmation when Loading" option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window to disable the prompt :)[/QUOTE]


I think I will stick with the script because I don't want all prompts disabled. Windows 10 is popping up an Alert from the Action Center that the function is in process, but I don't have to do anything to dismiss that. The function Pablo gave me is working a bit slower than the -desktopiconload parameter had, but at least there is no prompt. Perhaps it would still be useful to have a -noprompt parameter for the DisplayFusionCommand.exe command line, but I am good with the solution.

Jul 1, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The Advanced Setting I mentioned will only disable the dialog for loading a Desktop Icon Profile, all others will remain enabled :)
Jul 4, 2017  • #6
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