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3 discussion posts
Ok. I have a laptop whose display is 1440x900. When I dock it I have a 22" monitor whose resolution is 1680x1050. I also have a second smaller monitor (1280x1024) that is used when I dock.

When I am docked I use DisplayFusion to set a different wallpaper to each monitor. I sized them through photoshop to be the correct size (1680x1050 on the main monitor, 1280x1024 on the secondary one). Everything looks fine. When I boot up my laptop undocked, the wallpaper does not adjust to the new resolution (1440x900) EVEN THOUGH I have it set to a size mode of "Stretch". Instead, the edges are cut off. If I go into DisplayFusion and adjust the wallpaper (select a different size mode and then re-select "stretch) it will look OK like it should've anyway. However, once I've set it undocked, when I go back and dock my laptop the wallpaper then starts to TILE even though it is set to "stretch"!

Basically, undocking/docking completely jacks up the way DisplayFusion works. :-(
Feb 1, 2010  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I do not know if this is a pro only thing, but go into settings, wallpaper, and enable the last ooption and the sub option if you want as well.
Feb 2, 2010  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Huh. So that's what that option is? Are you pretty sure that will take care of the issue?

Yes, it is a Pro Only feature. Ironic, that is the "broken" functionality that was keeping me from paying for the software! :-) If this does fix my issue I may have to pay for it.
Feb 2, 2010  • #3
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I would love to say 100% sure, but i don't use it myself, I don't ever have that issue. Thought I am at like 99% . Have you tried the trial?
Feb 2, 2010  • #4
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3 discussion posts
I just got a trial license. Next time I undock I'll know. I'll report back here.
Feb 2, 2010  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The Free version can notify you when your wallpaper needs to be fixed, but the Pro version can fix it automatically for you. :) I hope the trial version works well for you, and if not please let me know. Thanks!
Feb 4, 2010  • #6
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