Fabio Zafferi95979
4 discussion posts
Hello, even if i enabled this in the settings "Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirmation Prompt" the prompt still show up when i change profile
Also the profile switching doesn't always work (i get a black screen on all monitors) and sometimes the disabled monitor are connected by themself without changing anything
I already tried reinstalling the software,with no luck
What can it be?
I have plugged in a 1440p pc monitor and a 4k tv
I configured two profiles:
1 - pc enalbed tv disabled
2 - pc disabled tv enabled

Fabio Zafferi95979
4 discussion posts
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [302,015 bytes]

Fabio Zafferi95979
4 discussion posts
thanks for the prompt, i enabled the right option now and of course it doesn't show up anymore
in the log at the 20:02/20:03 i switched from PC profile to TV profile and both screen became dark for 3/4 minutes, then the Tv turned on but mouse and keyboard were not usable for another minute or so, then the profile was loaded and i was able to use the keyboard and mouse
since i want to use only the function to enable/disable monitors with the profiles, there are some setting that i can turn off the make the switch faster?
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [410,376 bytes]
Thanks for sending that over, we're going to add some extra logging to our next beta to grab some more info here, so we'll let you know once it's released.
There isn't a way to control what settings it applies when loading the profile, no.
We've released a new beta, can you update and grab us a new log?

Fabio Zafferi95979
4 discussion posts
this is when i switch from PC to TV - 22:46:55
after 6/7 minutes i had to shutoff the pc by force because i can't use mouse or keayboard (when it keeps flashing the black screen)
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [108,336 bytes]