8 discussion posts
Hiya, since last week double left clicking on the Steam system tray icon does not bring up the main Steam windows but only its context menu. That's on Windows 11 23H2, DF 11.0 Beta 2, trying to click on the Display Fusion system tray Steam icon on my side monitor. Steam version 1705108172.
We are aware of this issue and we have it on our list to look into. We'll let you know if we have anything further on it going forward.

8 discussion posts
Indeed, saw it earlier today. It is working although now when you double click the Steam tray icon, the main Steam window does open but so does the right click menu. It's not really a big deal, since as soon as you click in the Steam windows, the right click menu closes.
Thank you for all your work on this amazing little piece of software btw.