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1 discussion post
display fusion 9.9 is causing very high CPU Usage when playing games.
There are other threads regarding this issue and i am not interested in installing several Beta versions to try one that works.

it is using 40% or more CPU. Closing the game does not work, as the usage remains high until Multi taskbar is disabled.
I am on steam so my key is not valid for 9.8.
I installed the 9.8 free trial version and there are no issues.

how can i install 9.8 with my steam license?
Jun 26, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can run this installer directly overtop of your current install to roll back:

We also have some changes coming up in our next beta that should improve the CPU usage if you would like to test it out when it's released.

Jun 27, 2022  • #2
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Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
No ETA yet, as we're still working on it :)
Jun 30, 2022  • #4
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Cyril Christin
1 discussion post
After +10 years of *perfect* DisplayFusion automatic updates, the update to 9.9 on Win7 is much much heavier in resources usage CPU/RAM/IO!

It is to the extent that I noticed this on a machine where DisplayFusion should not be able to be noticed and yet noticed the problem recurring over and over the last months ... having ended up implementing a *temp* fix of killing the process and re-launching DisplayFusion.

DisplayFusion.exe 9.9 has more CPU usage time than Explorer.exe ... much more I/O usage ... an insane +4GB RAM peak usage ... and seems to be "looping" over while possibly waiting on user input (User32.dll!WaitMessage) with the dialog/input not visible to the user :(

I'm going to call it for now:
- DisplayFusion 9.8 is the last *functional* version to be really run smooth on Win7, which is perfectly understandable since Win7 is no longer maintained!

Hopefully, this problem is only related to Win7 :)

Thank you for the amazing software and all the included updates since 2010!
Nov 18, 2022  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Cyril: Could you try the latest 10.0 beta? We've made some performance improvements in the last few betas that should help.
Nov 18, 2022  • #6
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