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Robert J. Sawyer
2 discussion posts
Hi! The release version of DisplayFusion 10 doesn't work on my Windows 7 Pro system; Display Fusion 10 Beta 13 worked just fine. I can't find the installer for that that version in the previous-versions archive on the Binary Fortess website. Where can I download it again, please? Thank you!
Apr 15, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Robert,

You can download beta 13 here:

What issues were you running into?
Apr 18, 2023  • #2
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Robert J. Sawyer
2 discussion posts
On my Windows 7 Pro 32-bit system, a new version of .NET framework was downloaded by the installer, and, after that, the Display Fusion 10 settings screen wouldn't come up; it would just freeze on the DisplayFusion logo screen.

I've rolled back my .NET framework, and reinstalled Beta 13 and am back in business. Thank you!
Apr 18, 2023 (modified Apr 18, 2023)  • #3
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