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Update: We were able to find a workaround to have DisplayFusion work on Windows 7 and 8 for 10.0, and 10.1 will also still work. Please note that it is not supported, so use at your own risk.

Please note that DisplayFusion 9.9 is the last stable release that's supported on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 versions 1511 and lower. Windows 10 1607 and higher will continue to be supported.

We had planned to release DisplayFusion 10.0 with Windows 7 and 8 support, but Microsoft now only supports Windows 10 1607 and higher for .NET 7. They initially released it with support for the older Windows versions, but have since changed that, and Windows 7 and 8 also no longer receive monthly security updates as of January 2023.

We'll continue to offer the download for DisplayFusion 9.9 on our site, and DisplayFusion 10.0 Beta versions up to Beta 17 will also work on the older Windows versions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Jan 25, 2023 (modified Jul 11, 2023)  • #1
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13 discussion posts
Please note that DisplayFusion 9.9 is the last stable release that's supported on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 versions 1511 and lower. Windows 10 1607 and higher will continue to be supported.

We had planned to release DisplayFusion 10.0 with Windows 7 and 8 support, but Microsoft now only supports Windows 10 1607 and higher for .NET 7. They initially released it with support for the older Windows versions, but have since changed that, and Windows 7 and 8 also no longer receive monthly security updates as of January 2023.

We'll continue to offer the download for DisplayFusion 9.9 on our site, and DisplayFusion 10.0 Beta versions up to Beta 17 will also work on the older Windows versions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


As per your Win 7 8 EOL that I just noticed you were to keep up the last Betas for us as well. These seem to be not available or accessible anymore. Can you please share the last Beta links that worked on Win 7 and 8.x

Unable to get them via Google:
Jul 11, 2023  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We were able to work around this for 10.0 and 10.1, so we've updated the post. You can also grab the 10.0 beta 17 link here:
Jul 11, 2023  • #3
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13 discussion posts
We were able to work around this for 10.0 and 10.1, so we've updated the post. You can also grab the 10.0 beta 17 link here:

Thank you for updating and sharing that link. So we can install any post 9.9 versions from 10.0 to 10.1 per se with this workaround you built into it, with some risk. Thats it?

Have one more question - How does the above apply to Steam based/ purchase licenses & Setups?

Do we have manual control over versions or is that automatically driven by whats available via Steam?
Jul 12, 2023 (modified Jul 12, 2023)  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
As long as you have the Steam version installed, you can grab any of our non-steam installers and run them directly overtop of your current install to change the version, while keeping your Steam license.
Jul 12, 2023  • #5
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13 discussion posts
As long as you have the Steam version installed, you can grab any of our non-steam installers and run them directly overtop of your current install to change the version, while keeping your Steam license.

Thanks. Will experiement with these things and connect back with further questions if required.
Jul 18, 2023  • #6
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13 discussion posts
We were able to work around this for 10.0 and 10.1, so we've updated the post. You can also grab the 10.0 beta 17 link here:

Thank you so much have saved them for possible needs.

Have one more request. I work with quite a few older machines and OSes at home. Classic stuff.

So I've saved whatever DF versions were available from your Old Versions site.

But I realized I had some old copies of DF 9.5c vs 9.6.x where file size jumped from ~ 20 MB to ~ 90 MB. How come?

1. Could you share the last 9.5 and 9.4 releases as well as I'd like to keep as just in case for older machines.

I do have 8.1.2 and 7.1 as well.

Trying to ensure I have some key "milestones" between 8.1 to 9.6 which is quite a big numerical gap.

Especially the versions you may recommend as having "stable + feature" jumps MINUS the Size & Memory bump if any.
Jul 24, 2023 (modified Jul 24, 2023)  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can view our change logs here: The size increase was likely from this change on June 24, 2020: "Note: The installer size increase is due to the inclusion of a Chromium-based webview library to replace the IE 11 based .NET webview"

Here are the other installers as well:


Jul 24, 2023  • #8
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13 discussion posts
You can view our change logs here: The size increase was likely from this change on June 24, 2020: "Note: The installer size increase is due to the inclusion of a Chromium-based webview library to replace the IE 11 based .NET webview"

Here are the other installers as well:



Thank you for sharing. Saving them all for older machine usage.

Does it also lead to increased "drive footprint" on a machine where installed?
Jul 25, 2023  • #9
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