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6 discussion posts
I use a third party launcher for some of my apps (Stardock ObjectDock). I like it becuase it keeps those apps together but seperate, and hides them unless i mouse over the edge of my second screen.

When I use steamlink or Remote desktop, obviosuly the system changes to 1 monitor at the resolution of the conneting device. My dock is a pain because it jumps from my secondary monitor to my primary, and it get in the way a lot, so I have to manually close it.
Is there a way that display fusion can know when im viewing remotely, and run a script to kill the dock processes (usign killtassk or something similar), then when I login locally again (so if both screens are there at their native resolutoions) it re launches the dock program ?

//edit - Solved it myself see below.
May 18, 2023 (modified May 18, 2023)  • #1
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6 discussion posts
I created 2 seperate c# functions to End and to Start the dock process.

I setup a trigger on a game I pay on steamlink to use those functiosn when the process launches and when it ends, thios works. So playing that specific game kills the dock and exiting it re opens the dock.

Thats progress, I can play that game via steam link with no interferance.

I would rather do it globally though than via specific games etc, so is there a trigger for when steamlink has an active connection ? and the same for when Remote desktop does ?

I setup a monitor profile, but on RD and SL I could be coming in at variosu resolutions so I cant do it based on a specific profile. Maybe I could use 'If current screens do not equal X monitor profile' ? How would I do that in script ?

May 18, 2023  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Oooh, never mind, I did it.

I set the 'Close Objectdock' Script to run on monitor profile change with no profile selected (so every time it changes).

I set the 'Launch Objectdock' script to run on monitor profile change with my primary profile selected, and I put a 1000ms delay before it.

This way when it changes it always kills the dock, but if its changed to my working desktop it re launches it straight after.

Fantastic :)
May 18, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear you got it sorted out!
May 18, 2023  • #4
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