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273 discussion posts
On the Functions dialog, I noticed and implemented a caption button of Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selection). I like this so much, I'd like to create a button using Create Function that does other things with the monitor selection popup. This seems like it could be added to the Window Screen Action dropdown. This would mean adding this consistent with the four #X functions in the dropdown.

I might suggest, however, that if you took the "and maximize" and "and size proportionally" options and put them each in the Window Width and Window Height Change dropdowns, you could ease the clutter at the same time.

A suggestion....

Oct 2, 2013 (modified Oct 2, 2013)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting idea! Could you provide an example of a Function that you would create, just so we get the right idea?

Oct 2, 2013  • #2
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273 discussion posts
Sorry to take so long to get back to you.

About any function could benefit! Because I have four monitors and still don't have enough real estate, I often like to size and move window to top side or at bottom side of monitor. Any monitor. Currently I have click move to different monitor (shows monitor selection), then move the mouse to the specific monitor and click top side or bottom side. It would be nice to click one button, click the monitor selector, and boom.

Looking at v5.1.1, it occurs to me that on the Custom Function dialog, the monitor selector hot-spot graphic displayed for the #X items in the Window Screen Action drop down could include an additional item, a button, that reads "Show Monitor Selector". Elegant solution?
Dec 3, 2013 (modified Dec 3, 2013)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, thanks for the additional info! I've added this to our feature request list, and if we're able to implement it in a future version, we'll be sure to let you know!

Dec 3, 2013  • #4
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