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2 discussion posts
The only thread I could find about my first issue said that the support was already in place, but Windows 7 wallpapers DO NOT fade through on change.

Likewise when I set the program up to randomly select an image from a folder, it reads subfolders and near as I can tell, there's no option to disable that.

I'm on the one month trial now and I'll gladly buy a proper copy if those things can be done. The taskbar bit isn't of much use to me, personally, I just want transitions (don't know how hard it is, but whoever makes it gets my money, assuming their product costs money) and the ability to exclude subfolders (which is like... five minutes of coding).

Edit: (That's what I get for copying another person's title line.)
Jun 28, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The wallpaper transitions is already in the 3.1 beta, but not in the public releases yet because it's not quite ready yet. :) I'll see what I can do about adding in a "no sub-folders" option into 3.1 as well. Thanks!
Jun 29, 2009  • #2
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343 discussion posts
The wallpaper transitions is already in the 3.1 beta, but not in the public releases yet because it's not quite ready yet. :) I'll see what I can do about adding in a "no sub-folders" option into 3.1 as well. Thanks!

Jon, I would argue against transitions if it will add to DFs memory foot print. Of course, if it can be toggled off and the resulting memory released, that would be cool. 8-)
Jun 29, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The transitions don't affect DisplayFusion's performance or memory usage at all. It is using a native system call to perform the transition (the same one that Windows itself uses).
Jun 30, 2009  • #4
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2 discussion posts
Awesome! Thanks for the information.

As for the memory issue, I'm not so worried about it as, per your mentioning, it's a system call in Windows 7 AND I have 6GB of ram, so... yeah.

I'll definitely grab a copy when 3.1 hits.
Jul 1, 2009  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. Thanks! :)
Jan 12, 2010  • #6
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