In your installation folder do you have a "Languages" folder? Like: "C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\Languages"? It should have a few ".lang" files in it.
I just uninstalled DisplayFusion, removed all the folders, and re-installed Beta 21. All the folders were created correctly for me, including the "Languages" folder complete with 4 language files in it. Which ".lang". files do you have in your "Languages" folder?
If you try to double-click on the "DisplayFusion.exe" file, instead of using the shortcut, does that work? I'm wondering if perhaps your shortcut has the wrong "working directory".
I just remembered, if you start DisplayFusion with the command line parameter "/showlangerrors" it will show you why it can't load the language files. So your shortcut would be "DisplayFusion.exe /showlangerrors".

14 discussion posts
Shoud I try to reinstall?
Did you try the "/showlangerrors" command line parameter? I would love to see why DF is getting confused.

14 discussion posts
A similar message is displayed regarding ru.lang.
After renaming the 2 files, it works. Thanks!
Which 2 files did you rename? Just "ru.lang" and "de-de.lang"? If so, that is strange, as DisplayFusion should be smart enough to ignore invalid files. I'll take a look at this tonight.
This beta added some new translations, which maybe triggered the files to be recognized as invalid. I have been able to reproduce this problem on my computer and it will be fixed in Beta 22, which will be released this weekend.
This has been fixed in Beta 22.