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6 discussion posts
Taskbar disappears after some time, not reproducible, sometimes after 5 minutes, sometimes after an hour.
Only start button remains visible and is fully functional, everything else gone, taskbar buttons, tray, clock, Aero Peek button and tasbar itself.
Did not find a way to get it back except reboot.
Sep 20, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Are you talking about the Windows taskbar, or the DisplayFusion taskbar?
Sep 20, 2009  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Are you talking about the Windows taskbar, or the DisplayFusion taskbar?

Since when has the DisplayFusion taskbar a start button?
Sep 21, 2009  • #3
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6 discussion posts
Forgot to say, I had to unload it - don't have time to boot every 30 mins or so.
Sep 21, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I was wondering if it was both taskbars or just the Windows one. DisplayFusion doesn't interact with the Windows taskbar at all, so it's strange that it is disappearing. Does the issues happen when DisplayFusion isn't loaded? Can you try disabling both of the hooks on the Troubleshooting tab and see if the problem still happens?
Sep 22, 2009  • #5
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24 discussion posts
Well besides rebooting, you could open up Task manager, exit explorer.exe, and run a new one, by going to File New Task (Run...) and typing in "explorer", then press enter.
Sep 22, 2009  • #6
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6 discussion posts
I was wondering if it was both taskbars or just the Windows one. DisplayFusion doesn't interact with the Windows taskbar at all, so it's strange that it is disappearing. Does the issues happen when DisplayFusion isn't loaded? Can you try disabling both of the hooks on the Troubleshooting tab and see if the problem still happens?

1. Of course this does not happen when DisplayFusion isn't loaded - that's why I told you that I do not load it any more!
2. I disabled both a few hours ago and it did not happen since - so should I reenable one of it to track it down - if yes, which?
Sep 22, 2009  • #7
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6 discussion posts
Well besides rebooting, you could open up Task manager, exit explorer.exe, and run a new one, by going to File New Task (Run...) and typing in "explorer", then press enter.

To tell you the truth, I neither want to reboot nor restart explorer.exe :-(
Sep 22, 2009  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@bobfox: Try using just one hook at a time, I have no idea which one could be causing the problem. I'm very interested to see which one is causing the problem.
Sep 22, 2009  • #9
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