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3 discussion posts
Hi. I'm trying out the pro version (3.04) and I'm so confused as to it's behavior of Excel (2003). This only occurs with Excel, and when I tried searching the forum I wasn't getting any results similar to what I am experiencing.

Ok, so if I open an instance of Excel, and then open up another instance (i.e. they are independent of each other, and when I 'X' out of one it will not close the other), all sorts of wackiness happens. If I have both windows located on monitor 1, both taskbar buttons are located on monitor 1 too. If I move one instance, (i.e. book2) to my 2nd monitor, it appears there but on the extended taskbar on the 2nd monitor it shows the button for book1 with the taskbar button for book2 staying on my 1st monitor. If I minimize book2 the book1 icon switches back to the first monitor's taskbar, and now the extended taskbar has no button for any instance of Excel.

And then, if I have one instance open with book1, book2, book3 all belonging to this instance...and the taskbar buttons for them on the extender taskbar...and then open a new instance of Excel, the buttons from the first instance switch over to the default taskbar with the newest instance. Then if I click on either book1, 2 or 3 (from the first instance) it will open on the 2nd monitor and the taskbar buttons switch back to the extender taskbar. At this time I have book1, 2, 3 on the extender taskbar and the newest instance of Excel (book4) on the first monitor's [default] taskbar. If I click on book4's button, all the buttons from the extender taskbar all go back to the default taskbar on my 1st monitor.

Arghh. Hopefully that makes sense. As a person who uses Excel all day at work, this won't work for me.
May 26, 2009  • #1
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15 discussion posts
Jon is working on this issue and should be fixed in the next release. :-D
May 26, 2009  • #2
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3 discussion posts
I thought I saw a post where it was said all the Excel problems were solved in 3.04. Was that not the case? And if so, when is the next release scheduled?
May 27, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Forgive me for replying to an old topic, but I just wanted to clear this up. This issue has been fixed in the latest version of DisplayFusion and I just wanted to mark this topic as complete. :) As this is an old topic, I am going to lock/archive it. If you experience this issue again with the latest version of DisplayFusion please start a new topic. Thanks!
Jan 12, 2010  • #4
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