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9 discussion posts
Hi, all of a sudden getting these errors messages when trying to change Monitor configurations. Either when applying old previosuly used profiles or trying to create/change to a new one.

This is when changing resolutions:
Failed to call UpdateModesAndPathsWithMonitorsTHROWS.

This is when trying to swap between two profiles through the tray.
Failed to call SetDisplayConfig. [HR: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER]

Tried updating to the v10 beta13, from 9.9 but no improvement.

Tried launching DF as admin and also reinstalling DF but without improvement.
Attaching troubleshooting info.

Also, my split configuration just works on screen 1. Cannot set it on screen 2 or 3, nothing happens when applying.

Using Windows 11.
• Attachment [protected]: [134,139 bytes]
Mar 7, 2022 (modified Mar 7, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It looks like DisplayFusion is having trouble reading your monitor information. Did you have any driver updates around the time this stopped working?

Mar 8, 2022  • #2
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Hi, not that I really know of besides Nvidia drivers and normal Windows Updates.

How/where can I see that it cannot read the monitor info? Somewhere in the debug log or just from the error output/exception?
Mar 8, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
In the troubleshooting info, under the "SortByDeviceID, AllMonitors, WithSplitsIfNeeded, ShowAll" sections, each monitor is listed with the video card as "Unknown" and the device path empty.

If you had any updates around the time the issue happened and can revert, that would be worth testing. Do you have any anti-malware services that might be trying to quarantine DisplayFusion as well?

Mar 8, 2022  • #4
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Hmm ok, I see the missing/unknown entries there. So what should it actually say? I.e. if I have an nvidia card would it point somewhere?
The only thing that is special is that I've activated the trojan protection in Windows Defender, it blocks access to certain wellknown folders (My documents, desktop etc) for changes and you have to allow specific apps to be able to write there. I've both tried turning the whole thing off and also excluded the displayfusion-process from the blocking of access but without progress.

Also, I've tried procmon but its impossible to use with all those regqueries that you are doing. I have over 5 million queries from displayfusion-process in under a minute...
Mar 9, 2022 (modified Mar 9, 2022)  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yep, it would say something like: "Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080". If you open device manager and enable "Show hidden devices" under the View tab, can you send me over a screenshot of the "Display Adapters" section expanded?

Mar 9, 2022  • #6
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Yep, it would say something like: "Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080". If you open device manager and enable "Show hidden devices" under the View tab, can you send me over a screenshot of the "Display Adapters" section expanded?

• Attachment [protected]: 2022-03-11_15-01-21.png [7,686 bytes]
Mar 11, 2022  • #7
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9 discussion posts
Yep, it would say something like: "Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080". If you open device manager and enable "Show hidden devices" under the View tab, can you send me over a screenshot of the "Display Adapters" section expanded?


After removing/uninstalling the Virtual Display Adapter's (only removing the hidden one of the two didn't help) Displayfusion now shows the displays correctly and I can use the Monitor profiles again.

The virtual display adapter comes from WMR and from the HP Reverb G2 headset. Not sure if this can be left "removed". My guess is that it will reappear when unplugged or rebooted. Will try some more later.
Mar 11, 2022  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah interesting, we are aware of this issue when those adapters are created from WMR headsets, and we have it on our list to look into. I've added your vote to it, so we'll be sure to let you know if we have any news on it going forward.

Mar 11, 2022  • #9
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I haven't done any changes related to the VR headset so I'm not sure why it suddenly stopped. Might be something from Windows Update recently, just a guess.
Mar 11, 2022  • #10
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17 discussion posts
I am using 10.beta17 (since August)

After applying the Windows 11 22H2 upgrade, my hot-keys for monitor profiles are throwing errors. And if i go into multi-monitor settings and try to load the profiles that have been unchanged for 1+ year they give same error

An error has occurred while applying your new Monitor configuration.
Please check your settings and try again.
Error: Failed to call SetDisplayConfig. [HR: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER]


I have determined that I can go in and make new profiles, save them, and they appear to load without error, but none of the pre-existing will anymore.
At this point I am just remaking the profiles and adding (2022) to the name leaving the now-broken profile alone.
Anyone else having issues with their monitor profile after upgrading to 22H2?
Nov 14, 2022 (modified Nov 14, 2022)  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've got some major backend changes coming to the monitor config code for the next beta that should fix this up. We'll follow-up as soon as it's available to try out.

Nov 15, 2022  • #12
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We've got some major backend changes coming to the monitor config code for the next beta that should fix this up. We'll follow-up as soon as it's available to try out.

Sounds good. I did confirm I have this same problem on two different systems that both got the upgrade to 22H2 last week. Recreating new profiles gets me past my hump, but odd they just suddenly fail since the my profiles did not change. I will watch for the next beta.
Nov 15, 2022  • #13
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

We've made some changes to our monitor configuration code that should fix this up in our latest beta, as described here:

Please let me know if you run into any issues after updating.

Dec 1, 2022  • #14
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17 discussion posts
Owen I loaded beta 18, and it still throws errors when trying to open my previously working monitor profiles. Doesn't really matter since I had to recreate them under beta 17 to get past the sudden issue when i upgraded to W11/22H2.

NOTE: beta 18 repsonse time in the configuration/menus seems much faster now!

Is beta 18 supposed to be able to open those older profiles that had worked but then suddenly stopped?
Dec 1, 2022  • #15
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Beta 18 will still load profiles created from Beta 17 and lower, but it will use the same method it used in the past, so if they threw and error before, it will still throw an error. If you recreate that profile on Beta 18, it will use our new method, and hopefully fix that up :)
Dec 2, 2022  • #16
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