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madLyfe's profile on
i think it would be neat to add the ability to have an 'always-on-top' pin for windows that dont have that ability. to take that one step further you could set it to always-on-top when that program or that windows parent program is active. so if i were to have a window set to always on top of a group of windows from the same application and then i pulled my browser to active and over it, it wouldnt be always on top of that.
Dec 8, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There is actually an Always on Top function on the Settings > Functions tab. Just assign a key combo to it, or add it as a titlebar button :)

I'm not sure about the second part of your request, but if we were able to do something like that, we'll definitely let you know!
Dec 9, 2014  • #2
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