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DonChino's profile on
Well, it seems I have purchased the product and now am noticing the little "I wants" and "I needs", hahaha....

Anyway, any chance you could add this as a feature?
Basically, every time I open up Firefox it keeps opening up in Monitor 1 which is my laptop monitor but I want it to open in Monitor 2 which is my large screen LCD. Yes, most people use two large LCD screens but I am a mobile consultant so usually the client hooks me up to a large LCD, plus presentations and what not...

Still, I do use my laptop LCD since it is smaller and more "private", so you get the picture. :Police:
I basically do my work on the BIG screen since I have people roving about checking my screen to see if I am working, since I am "on the clock" but then I use my small laptop screen to deal with the message popups and personal email checking... VIOLA!!! Perfect... :evil:

Anyway, just annoying to have Firefox, IE, and some other apps open up in the laptop lcd every time, so can you add some option to make certain apps ALWAYS open up in Monitor 2, 3, 4, 5, etc? Thanks...

Jan 3, 2010  • #1
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343 discussion posts
Well, it seems I have purchased the product and now am noticing the little "I wants" and "I needs", hahaha....

Anyway, any chance you could add this as a feature?
Basically, every time I open up Firefox it keeps opening up in Monitor 1 which is my laptop monitor but I want it to open in Monitor 2 which is my large screen LCD. Yes, most people use two large LCD screens but I am a mobile consultant so usually the client hooks me up to a large LCD, plus presentations and what not...

Still, I do use my laptop LCD since it is smaller and more "private", so you get the picture. :Police:
I basically do my work on the BIG screen since I have people roving about checking my screen to see if I am working, since I am "on the clock" but then I use my small laptop screen to deal with the message popups and personal email checking... VIOLA!!! Perfect... :evil:

Anyway, just annoying to have Firefox, IE, and some other apps open up in the laptop lcd every time, so can you add some option to make certain apps ALWAYS open up in Monitor 2, 3, 4, 5, etc? Thanks...


Might follow the discussion going on in this thread: :-)
Jan 4, 2010  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for posting the link benway. I'm going to close this topic, and we'll continue the discussion over here:
Jan 4, 2010  • #3
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