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2 discussion posts

And thanks for this great piece of software! I have been using Display Fusion Pro for several months now and I must admit I am really happy with it. I would like to submit a feature that might be of interest to other users too. It is about being able to specify a different width and height when resizing a window, but PER monitor (using hotkeys).

Currently, you can set either a percentage or a number of pixels, but it will be the same value for all monitors. This is nice if your monitors all have the same size, but for other people it won't be very efficient. For example, you might have a widget sidebar with a fixed size (so you will lost space if the window is resized proportionally) or you might want to have a window larger on smaller monitors (otherwise it will appear too small and you won't be able to use it correctly). What do you think of this feature?

Dec 20, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Stéphane, thank you for the feature request. I have given your idea some thought, and you could do something similar to this with the current version of DisplayFusion. Just create a hotkey for each monitor. Specify the size you want for each monitor, then bind it to keys like Ctrl + Win 1, 2, 3... etc so that it's easy to remember. Does this help you?
Dec 21, 2009  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Hello Jon,

And thank you for the quick reply. This tips works pretty well indeed (in my case I do only have 2 monitors, so I found enough hotkeys to cope with my requirements).

Dec 22, 2009  • #3
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26 discussion posts
Hi Stéphane, thank you for the feature request. I have given your idea some thought, and you could do something similar to this with the current version of DisplayFusion. Just create a hotkey for each monitor. Specify the size you want for each monitor, then bind it to keys like Ctrl + Win 1, 2, 3... etc so that it's easy to remember. Does this help you?

Hey Jon
How do you create a hotkey for each monitor?? As I have seen, the hotkey sets do not have monitor selections in the lists.

Like I have stated before I am running 4 Monitors on 2 of my computers and 3 on 2 others. All on KVM switch set with dual Monitor ports set.

Currently the problem I found from my earlier post is caused partially by the "nView Desktop Manager", It loads at Startup and interferes with the DF load operations, but the issues that "Stéphane" discusses are the same I questioned about. How can I control any monitor display sets?
Some Applications that load at Startup do not open on the proper monitor or proper sized, this happens with Display Fusion, but not with "nView Desktop Manager". As long as only one of them is installed. If both are installed and set to load at Startup the problem I mentioned happens. If Display Fusion is (only) installed and set for Startup a couple of the Apps do not load on the proper monitor or at the correct size.
Dec 27, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
You can't create a HotKey per monitor, exactly, but you can just create 4 different HotKeys. :)
Dec 31, 2009  • #5
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