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2 discussion posts
This is a feature that would be wonderful to have. Basically, whenever I want to sit back and watch a movie or play certain games, I have to manually turn off my secondary monitors to avoid them being a distraction. It seems like it should be possible for DisplayFusion to approximate the benefits of this automatically (I realize it's difficult to selectively cut off output through software). In order of complexity, the function could work something like:

Cinema Mode
Implementation #1:
Hide all windows/taskbars and display only a blank black screen on all monitors except the primary.

Implementation #2:
Hide all windows/taskbars and display only a blank black screen on all monitors except on the monitor that the given application window is running on.

Implementation #3:
Same as #2 except with the addition of only occurring when the application goes into full screen mode.

There is a way of manually doing this in the current version of DisplayFusion. I've setup separate hotkeys (Window Locations don't seem to work) for a solid black wallpaper profile, Minimize All Windows Except Current Window, and my current wallpaper profile. That's three steps every time, but it does work.

Anyway, that's my idea for the day. Thanks for reading and a big thanks to Binary Fortress for the great software, and even better quality support (you guys should get an award or something).
Apr 4, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting idea! I'll add this to our feature request list, and if we're able to implement something like this in the future, we'll be sure to let you know.

Apr 5, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This functionality is now available using a Scripted Function. We've written an example one for you. Here's how to set it up:
  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, click the "Download Scripted" button
  • Double-click the script named "Dim All Monitors Except Primary"
  • Give it a key combination and click OK
  • Optionally, select it, click "Toggle TitleBar Button" (to add it to the caption bar of every application)
  • Click Apply and test it out

Nov 3, 2015  • #3
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2 discussion posts
Wow, I had not expected to hear anything back after a couple years. The script worked perfectly, thank you!
Nov 14, 2015  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear it!
Nov 17, 2015  • #5
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