51 discussion posts
Would it be possible to add an option to disable icon flashing notification on the multi-monitor taskbar or have it time-out?
I run my MSN chats on a small 800x480 touch screen and have the taskbar set to auto-hide. Whenever I get a message the taskbar pops up and make a nuisance of itself.
I rarely use the taskbar on that particular screen but I don't want to disable it if possible.
You can disable the flashing notification by going to the DisplayFusion settings > Advanced Settings, and setting the "Taskbar: Highlighted Taskbar Buttons Blink" option to 0.
After you change the setting, please restart DisplayFusion for it to take effect.

51 discussion posts
Hi Keith,
I didn't know that was there!
However, I'd like to be able to enable/disable this per taskbar as I have three other monitors on the system that I still want this functionality on. I realize that I was not clear at all on that point in my original post!

51 discussion posts
Me again...
I have been doing some testing of this and have realized that I have still not been clear in my request...
What I really want is for the taskbar not to pop-up when there is a flashing notification. I realize that most people don't auto-hide their taskbars, but on a screen that small you really have to.
Maybe if you could configure how long it flashed for per taskbar & made the taskbar autohide once the flashing period was done.
Awesome, sounds good.