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51 discussion posts

Would it be possible to add an option to disable icon flashing notification on the multi-monitor taskbar or have it time-out?

I run my MSN chats on a small 800x480 touch screen and have the taskbar set to auto-hide. Whenever I get a message the taskbar pops up and make a nuisance of itself.

I rarely use the taskbar on that particular screen but I don't want to disable it if possible.


May 11, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can disable the flashing notification by going to the DisplayFusion settings > Advanced Settings, and setting the "Taskbar: Highlighted Taskbar Buttons Blink" option to 0.

After you change the setting, please restart DisplayFusion for it to take effect.

May 11, 2011  • #2
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51 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

I didn't know that was there!

However, I'd like to be able to enable/disable this per taskbar as I have three other monitors on the system that I still want this functionality on. I realize that I was not clear at all on that point in my original post!

May 11, 2011  • #3
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51 discussion posts
Me again...

I have been doing some testing of this and have realized that I have still not been clear in my request...

What I really want is for the taskbar not to pop-up when there is a flashing notification. I realize that most people don't auto-hide their taskbars, but on a screen that small you really have to.

Maybe if you could configure how long it flashed for per taskbar & made the taskbar autohide once the flashing period was done.

May 11, 2011  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, I'll add it to our feature request list but we're not planning to implement it just yet.

Do you use the taskbar on the little touch screen at all? If not, you can disable it completely by right-clicking the taskbar, and going to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > Position > Disabled. This would remove the taskbar from that screen but would leave it on other screens.


EDIT:I just re-read your original post and noticed that you'd prefer not to disable it :) I'll leave this post up anyways in case you weren't sure how to disable it on just that one monitor.
May 13, 2011  • #5
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51 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

If it's on the list of things to be considered, I'm happy. If/when you get around to it, I'll treat it as a Christmas present :)

As you noticed, I do want to keep the taskbar active on that monitor (I have a couple of my own apps that I run on it) - I have tried deactivating the taskbar on it but it then becomes difficult to manage those apps.

May 13, 2011  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, sounds good.

May 16, 2011  • #7
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