290 discussion posts
The DF Taskbar previews are not very much like the Win7 previews.
1. The preview border is too rounded and too close to the preview image, like a border. In Win7, it is more like behind the preview image, like another layer, matching the taskbar color/transparency.
2. The Win7 preview highlights the Active Window by placing another square beneath the active window's preview, including the window title.
3. The Win7 preview has the icon and title above the preview image, on top (part of?) the surrounding layer.
4. When displayed, the Win7 preview animates by fading in on top of the taskbar button and sliding downward below the taskbar button at the same time. When removed, the Win7 preview reverses this, fading out and sliding back up over the button.
5. IE8 has an option to display a separate preview for each tab.

290 discussion posts
Additional difference is that clicking on the preview in Win7 Taskbar switches to that Window, clicking on DF Preview closes preview.

4 discussion posts
I understand and I wasn't expecting much since XP is becoming obsolete. Thank you for replying anyway, I'll just disable the feature on XP to make the interface more consistent.
I love that program, and I have the say the pricing was the primary factor that made me choose DisplayFusion over UltraMon.